
Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-December 30, 2013

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Even though it has been vacation week, I have not really read as much as I would have liked.  I did read a picture book called Clara's Crazy Curls that is due to be released in January.  Click here if you'd like to read my review.  I am also currently reading Ophelia and the Marvelous Boy which is sure to be a hit with middle graders in 2014 (review later). 

So I thought I would use today's IMWAYR post to reflect on my reading in 2013 by choosing my favorites in each category. 

I have read more books this year than any other.  I surpassed my goal of 300 books by reading 332 books! They are here if you'd care to see. 

So here they are, my favorite books of 2013!

Fiction Picture Books

Nonfiction Picture Books

Graphic Novels


Middle Grade Novels

Upper Middle Grade/YA Novels

Professional Books

So there you have it folks. 

Upcoming posts:
Tues. Dec. 31-Slice of Life, Resolutions
Wed. Jan. 1- Books I'd like to read in 2014!
Thurs. Jan 2- Book Blast Giveaway-Winter Reads Boxed set.

I am giving away a copy of Hattie Ever After by Kirby Larsen. The giveaway ends at midnight EST on Jan. 1. Click here to view the giveaway. 


  1. I REALLY enjoyed Navigating Early and it is one of those books that I think about often long after I have read it. I even bought a Billie Holiday cd! I keep seeing the Counting by 7's book so maybe I need to look into that one!
    Thanks for sharing what you are reading!

    1. I agree about Navigating early, such a different book than many, really makes you think. I LOVE that you bought a Billie Holiday cd! I avoided Counting by 7's for a while since I try to stay close to my grade range, but too many people told me I should read it. It is a quick read, and is really good.

  2. I feel so far behind on my reading! I am just finishing a Mondays DIY series, so I am going to start linking up again soon! I can't wait to see your reading list for 2014! I'll be back. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting Leslie. I am heading over to check out your DIY post.

  3. Congratulations again on meeting your goal, Gigi! So many books to love this past year. I haven't read all the middle grade books, although I have them, must read faster! I still love The Center of Everything and Counting by 7s best. Happy New Year Gigi!

  4. I admire people that 1) are organized enough to actually track their books on Goodreads (I'm pretty sure I met my goal, if I had just been faithful about charting) and 2) have moved beyond thinking they really should create a "Best of 2013" list, to actually do it! Congratulations on meeting your goal-- that's a lot of reading!

  5. What a great list of favorites. How was Gum girl?

    1. Gum Girl was cute. Good for younger kiddos, 2nd and 3rd gradeish.

  6. Thanks for the years review! I don't know The Water Castle or This Journal belongs to Ratchet. I will have to check those out.

    1. Both are good for upper elem/middle school. Ratchet is a it of a "Tom Boy" so it is nice to have it to recommend to certain students.

  7. So glad to see HOLD FAST on your list. I adored that book. It's one I am rooting for on January 27th. :)

    1. Me too Beth. I don't think it quite got the recognition it deserved. Fingers crossed.

  8. Some wonderful titles shared here! Happy to see No Monkeys No Chocolate on your NF list. My students and I are loving this title! I have read all of your MG/YA novels except for Genie Wishes. Will add to my TBR list! Have a very happy new year and wonderful reading wishes for 2014!

  9. Great book covers here, Gigi! So many I loved and so many I just borrowed from our library as well. I also enjoyed seeing the picture book biographies you shared here, so many I'd like to read from that list. Reading in the Wild was definitely a favourite of mine this year, glad to have finally read it. Will share it with my teacher-students for next year. :) Have a Happy New Year! All good wishes! :)

  10. Sometimes the holidays gives us more time, but makes it harder to read--I understand!

    These are some amazing choices! I love these end of year lists because it reminds me of good books that I haven't read and also of good books I have :)

    Happy new year and happy reading!

    1. Congratulations on meeting your reading goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY!

  11. Doll Bones, The Real Boy, and Hold Fast were definite favorites of mine--oh, and Counting by 7s and Reading in the Wild. Man, we had some great books to read this year! Awesome list--I have many in my TBR pile and will add some of the others :-)
