
Monday, December 30, 2013

Slicing About My Resolution Resistance

Each Tuesday Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

Resolution Resistance

I have a confession to make...I hate making New Year's resolutions! I have realized that I have many goals in my life, but as soon as I quantify them, no mater how small, they become another obligation and a source of self-deprecation.   

I often find myself making comparisons to other people that seem to have everything in their lives together. I use negative self-talk frequently. Why can't I exercise more? Write more? Read more? Others seem to do it but, in my eyes, I fall short.  I tell myself (and society reinforces) that I should be a better mother, wife, teacher, daughter, sister, or friend.  My house needs to be cleaner, my body thinner and my clothes trendier.  

This year will be different.  I resolve NOT to make any resolutions. Does this mean I am giving up on self-improvement? Not by a long shot.  I have many goals both personal and professional. But this year I will work toward my goals and try not to beat myself up. I will be kinder to myself, starting by recognizing when I start to make comparisons and talk to myself negatively and do my best to change these habits. I will celebrate my successes and give myself a break when I can't do everything I want to do as perfectly as I'd like to do it. Sounds simple, but it will certainly not be easy. I'll keep you posted throughout my journey. 

I saw this great post on Facebook recently about comparisons that really put things into perspective. 

I wish you all the happiest and healthiest of New Years. May it be all you want it to be and more!


  1. Thank you! I wish you the best in 2014!

  2. I am with you. Too many people make big resolutions they can't/don't keep for too long. I say, something something small. I'm in a new gym with a pool. That's my aim-to swim as an adult. Fingers crossed!

  3. Gigi, our posts are pretty similar this week! I plan to keep my #nerdlutions but to be open to revision and not beating myself up. Thanks for the OLW suggestion… grit just might work for me! Happy New Year!

  4. I stopped making resolutions in 2008 and I'm much happier for it! Try OLW to guide you through the year. It's so much better. (We'll be focusing on OLWs next week at TWT. Hopefully you'll join us.)

    Happy New Year, Gigi!

  5. I love your resolution to not make any resolutions! So many times we are so hard on ourselves when there is no need. I see your positivity through your words here on your blog and I thank you for sharing that with us!

  6. I will have to remember your words about being kinder to your self! I look forward reading about your successes in the coming year!

    1. I appreciate your kind words Jaana. Happy New Year to you!

  7. I can SO relate to what you are saying here. Great words to live by, Gigi. :)

  8. I agree. I much prefer to set goals and to use the one little word to guide me. My husband always resolves to smile more. That's a good one. I even resisted the nerdlution movement. We all need to give ourselves a break.
