
Saturday, December 28, 2013

An End-of the Year Giveaway of Hattie Ever After

Dear friends, 
I want to thank you for visiting and reading what I have to share on this little blog of mine.  I am humbled by every visit, follower and comment.  

This has been an amazing reading year for me.  I have read more books this year than any other.  I want to thank my followers by offering a giveaway of one of my absolute favorites from 2013, Hattie Ever After.  This is Kirby Larson's follow up to Hattie Big Sky.  I loved the Hattie books and was sad to see her go.  You can read my review of Hattie Ever after here

To enter the giveaway, you only need to be a blog follower.  If you already follow, just write in how you follow in the rafflecopter below. The giveaway runs from 12:00 am on Sunday, December 29 to 12:00 am on New Year's Day Eastern Standard Time and is for US only. 
Thanks for a great year! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks gor the giveaway, Gigi! I enjoy reading your blog. I hope to share the book with my class

  2. I already have a copy, Gigi, but wanted to say how much I enjoy hearing what you say about books. Hattie is a character I will miss too, but we can still put the books into kids' hands, and often! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank so much Linda! Happy New Year to you and yours!

  3. It was amazing seeing Kirby Larsen talk about her writing process at NCTE 13. The detail she puts into creating an authentic setting and characters was inspiring! Follow your blog via Twitter! How many books are you going to try to read in 2014??

    1. It was so amazing meeting Kirby at NCTE! Good question. I am thinking maybe 350 ish? I read a lot of picture books. You.

  4. Love to win, follow by email , bloglovin, Pinterest, goodreads and tweet.

  5. What an awesome giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance to win the book :-)

  6. Thank you for having an end of the year giveaway; I follow you via email. michelle_willms at yahoo dot com

  7. Thanks Gigi! I love following your posts via Twitter! Happy New Year!

