I know that last week was probably the last week for a long time that I will be able to read so much. School is starting soon and, although I am excited, I will miss my reading time.
Click on the book covers to learn more about them.
Not your average counting book. Gorgeous illustrations that look like black and white photographs. Grades K-4.
Cure story about imaginary friends. Grades K-2.
Sort of about Shabbat, but really about togetherness and friendship! Grades 2-4
Based on a true story. Grades 1-4
A new book in the Mercy Watson Series.
Nonfiction Picture Books
Interesting biography of Harriet Powers who told stories through quilting. One of her quilts hangs in the Smithsonian. Grades 2-5.
You have seen this woman's photographs for sure, but you never knew who she was. Grades 2-5.
I was inspired and angered by this story of Vivien Thomas. He created a method for the first successful open heart surgery for children, but was not given credit for his discovery until much later because of his skin color.
Grades 3-6.
A story about the little known first subway in New York. I liked the story, but I am not a fan of this kind of illustration.
Grades 3-6.
Really loved this story.
For upper high school and adults.
Enjoyed the second in this series.
Upper middle grades.
This book will make anyone a better writing teacher!
An excellent resource on helping teachers make
the reading/writing relationship connection.
Currently Reading
What are you reading friends?