
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Slice of Life-Revisiting My OLW

Each Tuesday the amazing bloggers at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

I have not written a Slice of Life post for some time now. I have mostly been sticking with Celebrate this Week posts on Ruth Ayres blog. But I came up with an idea for a SOLS post yesterday. 

I was sitting in Starbucks all by myself when all of a sudden, Oprah spoke to me. Yes, Oprah! Here is what she said. 
Wise words from Ms. O. Now I am not usually one to read into things like this, but my One Little Word for this year is REACH. It has been 6 months so I decided to do a mental check-in to see if I was living it. 

It turns out that I was a little off track. I had lost focus of my personal and professional goals. I was slugging through the days just to get them done. I was struggling to balance daily household obligations, with 3 kids, with my own wants and needs. I wasn't reaching to connect more, to learn more, to live more. After doing some pondering and planning I think I am mentally back on track now. I need to be a bit more creative with fitting in my own goals with our crazy summer, but I am in the right frame of mind now. 

I would encourage you to check-in. Are you living your OLW? 


  1. I had a similar realizaiton with my OLW, joy, especially as the school year wound down. I simply got too busy and too stressed to remember to look for joy in every day. Like you, I am getting back on track with my mindset. I find it is a constant struggle to balance all the needs of home and work and self. Enjoy your crazy summer!

  2. Nice reflection, Gigi. I think I am continuing to follow my OLW, but haven't written about it in a long time. Happy to see you noticed the message & best wishes in re-orienting your life to your satisfaction.

  3. Isn't it incredible how something so small, like a quote on a cup, can bring us back to where we need to be.

    As for me, I am living my word. Right now I have my iPad while my daughter is in for OT, PT, and Speech. I'm going to work out here (once I'm done reading and commenting on people's slices) until it's time to go. And then I'm going to take her swimming. Since everybody deserves to play after working hard!

  4. Reach. What a powerful word!
    Love that you shared this moment.
