
Sunday, July 6, 2014

It's Monday, What Are a You Reading? July 7, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here are my books from last week. Again, I would like to thank my friend Susan Dee. I am so glad you were across the hall during my week of classes. Thanks for hooking me up with some great picture books!

Picture Books
by Lita Judge
I LOVED this book! It is an adorable story of a determined penguin and some very good friends that work together to help him achieve his dream. I am hoping to buy a copy to share at the beginning of the year. Great read aloud for grades K-5. 

by Hannah E. Harrison
Really sweet story of Jane, a dog in a circus who just can't seem to find her talent. 
Nice read aloud for grades K-3.

Nonfiction Picture Books
by Arun Gandhi and Bethany Hegedus
Illustrated by Evan Turk
This is picture book biography is a wonderful reminder that greatness is not something we are born with, but something that takes effort, dedication and patience. I will be sharing this one with my class for sure. Great read aloud for grades 2-5. 

by Lois Ehlert
As one would expect, this book is full of Lois Ehlert's beautiful artwork. The renowned author-illustrator shares her artistic life with her readers. This book could be appreciated by any art-lover. 

Middle Grade
I finished reading...
by Melissa Ann Goodwin
Here is my review from Goodreads:
Don't let the title fool you, this book is an anytime read. It is part historical fiction (travel to 1930"s during the Great Depression) and part realistic fiction. I loved the time travel into the small Christmas Village. So many exciting and unexpected things happen to Jamie who needs to get back to his own time by Christmas. Great for grades 3-5!

Professional Book
by Barry Lane

Still Listening
Lockwood and Co. The Screaming Staircase
by Jonathan Stroud

Currently Reading
by Tracy Holczer

What Are YOU Reading Friends?


  1. Those were great picture books! I adored Flight School. Having problems with "the technical parts"? Love it! I hope to get to The Secret Hum of a Daisy this summer!

  2. Love all the picture books here - I definitely need to get back in the groove of reading these regularly, so much of my summer focus is YA/MG oriented. Barry Lane's book is in my TBR pile, too - so many awesome books to catch up on!

  3. One look at that adorable cover of Flight School has me convinced to read it. How cute.

  4. I can't wait to find Flight School. Grandfather Gandhi and Extraordinary Jane are recent favourite reads for me too. Is Lockwood middle grade? And is it scary? Thinking my son might like it but if it is too scary he avoids.

    1. I am about halfway and it is a bit scary. Lots of ghosts and hauntings.

  5. Flight School is so funny, glad you enjoyed it. I want to read The Secret Hum of A Daisy, many are raving about it. I've used After The End so much in my teaching-hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for all, Gigi!

  6. Flight School is wonderful. I am thinking of buying Secret Hum of a Daisy--I keep seeing it all over my favorite blogs! I loved sharing The Scraps Book in my Children's Lit class last semester after we read a bunch of Ehlert's other books. My son likes time travel stories, so I'll look for The Christmas Village. Thanks!

  7. I need to get my hands on the audio version of The Screaming Staircase. I think that's the only way I'll make it through reading that one!

    I can't wait to talk about The Secret Hum of a Daisy with you! Could you guess what I post-it noted? ;-)

    Happy Reading!

    1. Hmmm good question. It looks like times when she talks about writing and maybe done figurative language?

  8. I have seen Extraordinary Jane on a number of posts and look forward to reading it. Flight School is delightful - I laughed out loud when I first read it! Time travel + Christmas = I WANT TO READ THIS BOOK! Can't wait to get my hands on it! Sounds like a great read-aloud for my class this fall! Thanks for the great list, Gigi!

  9. Love Flight School just on the cover. Just reserved it with my library!

  10. Hello there Gigi, I so loved the Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud - I shall definitely try to find this new novel that he has. You have any idea whether it's a series? Lots of familiar picture book covers here too! :) Have a great reading week ahead of you.
