
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday-A Boy and a Jaguar

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website. 

A Boy and a Jaguar
by Alan Rabinowitz
Illustrated by Catia Chien
Published 2014 by Houghton-Mifflin Harcourt
Nonfiction Picture Book
32 Pages
Disclosure: Borrowed this book from my wonderful nerdy friend Susan Dee!

This is the true story of Alan Rabinowitz. Alan is a wildlife conservationist and a spokesperson for the Stuttering Foundation of America. He also grew up as a stutterer. As a child, the only times he did not stutter were when he was singing or speaking to animals. He has a fondness for big cats such as lions and jaguars and his father often took him to the zoo. As he got older, Alan decided that he wanted to be a voice to help protect wild animals, especially jaguars and other big cats. But who would listen to him if he could not speak fluently? This book chronicles his life's struggles and triumphs. 

My Thoughts
The message in this book is so powerful. If you are passionate, determined and ready to work hard, you can overcome many of life's difficulties and obstacles. Alan writes his story honestly and in a way that will have children (and adults) eager to find out what happens next. The way he overcomes his condition and becomes a person who makes important contributions to the world is inspiring. It would make a great read aloud for grades 1-5. 

Companion Texts
Visit this link to go to a site containing many books that deal with the topic of stuttering. 

Other Resources
A special page for kids who stutter
Stuttering for kids-Stuttering Foundation
Kids Health-Stuttering
Information about some of Rabinowitz's work.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this title! As the mom of a kid who stutters, I'm always looking for ways to encourage him that he can speak his mind whenever and however he wants.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad you visited today. This book is a must read for your family!

  2. Ok, I give up. I am off to order this one. Every time I see it mentioned on someone's blog, I want it! Decided I just can't wait any longer for the library to maybe get it.... I know this is one I will want to share in my Children's Lit class.

  3. Gigi - I had seen the cover of this book but didn't know what it was about. Now I want to find it. Looks amazing and such an important title to share with children.

    1. Yes, it is Carrie. And by the way, I finished The Screaming Staircase and it is really scary. I haven't read such a scary middle grade novel in a while.

  4. I think this has been one of my favorite NFPB of this year! Glad you enjoyed it.

  5. I didn't realize that this was a picture book biography! Thank you so much for alerting me to this. Will definitely pin this one in my PBB pinterest board to find and study further. :)

  6. This has been a great picture book to introduce to our customers if they love animals, overcoming disabilities, following one's passion.
