
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Celebrate This Week-July 5, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Thanks to Ruth for providing a platform for me to share my big and small celebrations. 

On Tuesday my husband and I celebrated the anniversary of the day we met 15 years ago. It is easy to remember because we had our first date on July 4th. We went back to the pub where we met, The Great Lost Bear which has become a Portland landmark. It was a great night out alone.

On Thursday I finished the summer session of the Summer-Fall Institute for the Southern Maine Writing Project. This session consisted of seven days in class, learning, collaborating, sharing and, of course, doing lots of writing. I really enjoyed it and I am happy I decided to do it. I enjoyed writing my learning autobiography, reading professional books and even writing my first poem-EVER! 
Here it is.

Cliffs of White Head
by Gigi McAllister

Early morning mist creates a hazy lense through which I view the island.


Treetops reach high above..
Like old friends shielding me from the rising sun.
My footsteps tramp the familiar muddy path.
With the approach of the clearing, my heartbeat quickens.
Trees thin, letting more of the greedy sunlight touch the ground.
Cool, salty wind swirls around me like a welcome embrace.
Greeting me as I step out of the trees and onto the high, gray cliffs.

You’re back, the gulls call.
We’ve been waiting for you.
Come, sit here in your favorite spot on the ledge.
Looking over the churning ocean.

Resting on the warm rock I exhale again and again until my breathing becomes one with the wind and waves.

What Are YOU Celebrating Friends?


  1. Sounds like a wonderful week, Gigi. Happy Anniversary, and love the poem and picture. What a beautiful place you've described. I love that "cool, salty wind".

  2. That's your FIRST poem?!?! WOW!! Love it! I am really interested in hearing more about your learning autobiography. It sounds great! Could you share more about that? Thanks for sharing your celebrations!!

  3. Gigi - happy anniversary! So wonderful that you were able to have a night out together. You look very happy!

  4. I am so impressed with your writing! That was fantastic! I was just tweeting with another teacher abt writing. I'm so nervous to start, I keep putting it off!

  5. The first of many poems to come. Happy Anniversary! I miss writing project days.

  6. I love your poem! Nice job! I am not very good at poetry, reading it or writing it. Happy celebrations!
