
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Celebrate This Week- December 21, 2013

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from the week and link up at her blog. 

Here are some things I am celebrating from this week.  

I got a nice email from a parent about how much her child is enjoying reading this year.  

Friday we spent the day celebrating the winter solstice with fun activities.  The room was covered in glitter and the kids had so much fun!

My son had a holiday concert at school.  Last year he did not make it through one song before getting overwhelmed and pushing the students in front of him off the risers.  This year he stayed on stage for 8 out of 9 songs.  He looked so cute up there with his class. 

A bitter-sweet celebration is the fact that my son, TJ no longer requires a case manager. We said "see you later" to his case manager Brooke this week.  He is doing so well that her services are not required at this time.  This is great, but we will miss her. 

It's holiday break!!  I am so looking forward to time with family, time to read and relax!

Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a great vacation!


  1. Enjoy your break and your time with your family. I also have many books lined up to read! Merry Christmas!

  2. Love getting those kinds of parent letters. I got a sweet one from a student. I should've included it in my celebration. Have a wonderful holiday!

  3. I love it that you can celebrate a room covered in glitter!
