
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Celebrate This Week- December 14, 2013

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from the week and link up at her blog. 

It is so nice to sit down on an early Saturday morning and reflect on the week. I have been reading Donald Graves' The Energy to Teach and have been paying attention to what gives me energy and what takes energy away. The following celebrations were definite energy-givers! 

Professional Celebrations

My teaching partner and I have had the pleasure of hosting two fabulous teaching interns this semester. This past week they completed their lead teaching week with flying colors.  It has been an honor and privilege to watch them learn and grow as educators. They have transitioned from being our students to becoming colleagues. We will miss them, but we celebrate the fact that they have touched our lives and know they will be great teachers. 

Our school has had two events recently that have fed my spirit and helped to feed others, literally.  The first was an event sponsors by King Arthur Flour and organized by one of our wonderful 5th grade teachers, Missy Mullin.  All of our almost 200 4th and 5th graders received enough supplies to make two loaves of homemade bread, one to keep for their family, and one to donate. At home they baked and donated 175 fresh loaves of bread to a local food pantry. I made bread for the first time.  I was so proud that I took a picture. 

The other event happened last night and has been in development for months.  It is called The Empty Plate Project.  It was organized by our fabulous assistant principal, Becky Fortier. All students in grades 1-5 made a clay bowl in art class (400+ kiddos). To raise money for the food pantry, parents had the option to purchase the bowl for a donation.  The staff also spent a Saturday making bowls and these were auctioned off in a silent auction to the highest bidder.  Our amazing art teacher, Allie Rimkunas has been the heart of this event.  She spent countless hours with the kids and on her own time to make this event possible. While people made bid on the items, families were treated to a movie. The cost of the movie was one food item for the pantry.  It was so fun to see all the families come out on a bitter cold evening for this event.  

Personal Celebrations

My seven year-old son, who has autism helped decorate the Christmas tree for the first time.  He has never been interested before, but this year he didn't want to stop.  It was so much fun!

I got to volunteer this week at one of my favorite places on Earth, the Scholastic Warehouse Sale! I have worked this sale for the last 5-6 years and I just love it. What's better than spending the day completely surrounded by books while actually getting paid for it??!! Nothing, that's what. 

What can YOU celebrate from this week? 


  1. Your school events are wonderful to celebrate, but I think the crown was to decorate your Christmas tree with your son! That is priceless!

  2. Wow! A great week! Your loaves of bread are beautiful! They make me want to try it! And what a gorgeous picture of your son! Looks like a Christmas card photo! Enjoy the season!

  3. Your school sounds fabulous, Gigi, to do all those service projects-great energy! Fun to hear about your son's new enthusiasm, a Christmas gift for you!

  4. I love reading about other schools' service projects. Giving is such an importance lesson for children to learn. I went to my first Scholastic Warehouse sale last week...looks like many reading days for me this break! The bread looks yummy! Have a great week!

  5. Loved the photograph of your son decorating the tree - what a wonderful time you must have had! As for the Scholastic fair, wow. I know you'll leave with many treasures.

  6. I celebrated service projects this week too. The clay bowl idea seems like a great way to use the arts to bring awareness to hunger.
