
Thursday, August 30, 2018

It's Show and Tell Dexter by Lindsay Ward

It's Show and Tell Dexter 
by Lindsay Ward
Published July 17, 2018
from Two Lions
32 pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
Dexter T. Rexter is going to school. But will anyone like him?
Tomorrow is the biggest event ever in Dexter’s life: his best friend, Jack, is taking him to school for Show and Tell Day! Dexter has been getting ready for weeks. But now he’s a little nervous. What if the other kids don’t like him? So Dexter decides to come up with a plan. He’ll wear a costume. Dinosaurs in bunny ears look good, right? He’ll recite state capitals starting with…uh…ah…er. Then he realizes something. He can’t dance. He can’t recite things. He doesn’t have ANY skills. What’s a dino to do?
This comical, interactive tale of belonging, friendship, anticipation, and first-day-at-school jitters lets readers experience the excitement and nervousness along with Dexter—and even offer him a little advice along the way.

My Thoughts
This is "Dexter" book #2. I wrote about Don't Forget Dexter a little while back and just loved it. Now Dexter is back and is getting ready for show and tell. Well at least he hopes that his boy, Jack, will choose to bring him to share at show and tell. Dexter gets himself all worked up trying to find just the right costume, dance, other thing to better his chances of getting chosen. 
You will get no spoilers from me, but I will tell you that readers will be happy with the ending. 
This book offers young readers an opportunity to explore feelings such as worry or anxiety. It would lend itself to meaningful discussions. 

I would recommend It's Show and Tell Dexter for grades K-2.  

Check out the book trailer

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One lucky winner will receive a copy of both Dexter T. Rexter books--Don’t Forget Dexter! and It’s Show and Tell, Dexter!, courtesy of Two Lions (U.S. addresses). Enter in the rafflecopter below. 

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1 comment:

  1. I've seen this book on other blogs too and am so excited to read this for myself. What a fun way to share worries and anxieties with kids in a way they can relate.
