
Thursday, August 16, 2018

If Polar Bears Disappeared by Lily Williams

If Polar Bears Disappeared 
by Lily Williams
Expected publication Aug. 28, 2018
Roaring Brook Press
40 pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
The freezing ecosystem in the far north of the globe is home to many different kinds of animals. They can be

Strong, like a walrus
Tough, like a lemming
Resilient, like an arctic fox

But no arctic animal is as iconic as the polar bear.
Unfortunately, the endangered polar bear is threatened with extinction due to rapid climate change that is causing the ice where it hunts/lives to melt at an alarming rate. This book uses accessible, charming art to explore what would happen if the sea ice melts, causing the extinction of polar bears, and how it would affect environments around the globe.

My Thoughts
There is a lot of talk about "climate change" and "global warming" in the news. These terms can be hard for kids (and some adults) to understand. This book takes a look at what could happen if enough polar ice melted so polar bears would become extinct. Readers will learn about the ripple effect of too much melted ice including the impact on other species and the land. The information is not glossed over, but is presented honestly using the appropriate scientific terminology. 
The text is long enough to provide information, but is not too wordy and is accompanied by illustrations of polar animals and polar ecosystems. Diagrams and cross sections of the land showing where animals live, help readers to understand the information. 
The back matter includes a glossary, more information about the arctic and ways to help save polar bears. 
I think kids will enjoy learning about what could happen if one species became extinct. I would recommend If Polar Bears Disappeared for ages 7-10. 

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