
Monday, July 18, 2016

It' Monday, What Are You Reading? July 18, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

I get many of my book recommendations from friends who have fabulous blogs and share wonderful books. They all link up Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers. Be sure to check them out. Many of my blogging friends will recognize the books on my list from their own stacks. Thanks for sharing friends!
Click on the book covers to learn more about the books.
 Images from Goodreads

Picture Books
Excellent example of how one small girl can make a huge difference! Grades K-4
Great way to introduce books without pictures to young ones. Grades K-3
 What a creative way to tell a story. Grades K-4
 I love reading books about lesser known people who invented things we use all the time.
Finished Reading
 Upper middle graders will enjoy this sweet friendship.
Currently Reading

Up Next?
My daughter is going to be a high school Freshman in the fall. She has this as required reading (with a quiz the first week of school-ugh!) so we are making a mini book club out of it.

 What Are You Reading Friends?


  1. Woosh and Summerlost were already on my TBR list, but the rest are new to me. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It could be worse. My daughter had to read and do a reflection journal on Upton Sinclair's The Jungle. The weird thing was that she liked it, and she's been a vegetarian ever since! Summerlost was very slow for me.

  3. I loved This is Not a Picture Book so much! I spent an hour requesting picture books from Minerva last night. Woosh and Tattoo Story were two that I requested.

    I really enjoyed all the middle grade books you're reading. And look at you...reading ANOTHER adult book! 😊

    Happy Reading!

  4. I still need to read Summerlost, Gigi, know it will be good. Thanks for sharing. I have read those picture books, and loved each one. As for that summer reading. At least it isn't a real oldie! You will enjoy reading together! Nice mom!

  5. Sharing is caring! I pretty much have my library website up on one screen and blogs on the other, and just constantly put holds on all the new titles I discover! Thankfully I focus on picture books, otherwise I'd never get through my TBR list.... :)

  6. I hope you love A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS! I enjoy all of his books, and that one was no exception. I thought it would be similar to THE KITE RUNNER, but it wasn't. I liked how it dealt with more gender issues than THE KITE RUNNER. I look forward to hearing your--and your daughter's!--thoughts!

  7. Is the Footer Davis book on this year's MSBA? Is that why it's sort of familiar to me? Do I need to know it?

    Looking forward to spending time with Whoosh soon, if I can get my hands on it!

    1. Yes it is on the MSBA list. It is definitely not my favorite, but it is good. Your 6th graders will appreciate it more than my 4th I think. There is a lot to keep track of.

  8. Not a quiz!!! Poor M!
    Love the picture books you mentioned!

  9. Splendid Suns was one that I really enjoyed. I hope you two are able to have some great discussions around the text in spite of the looming quiz. Grrr. I loved Whoosh! and Tattoo Story.

  10. I loved Footer Davis, although it was much more than I anticipated it would be. I'm looking forward to Whoosh, Summerlost, and Some Kind of Courage.
