
Friday, July 15, 2016

Doodle Adventures: The Search for the Slimy Space Slugs by Mike Lowery

Doodle Adventures: The Search for the Slimy Space Slugs 
by Mike Lowery
Published May, 2016
Workman Publishing Company
112 Pages
Advanced copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary Doodle Adventures: The Search for the Slimy Space Slugs! is a lighthearted fantasy where the reader first draws him- or herself into the story, and then continues by following prompts and adding more illustrations and doodles. Set in space, the book invites the reader to join Carl, a duck and member of a super-secret international group of explorers, on a journey in search of a very important grail-like object. The book is sturdy paper over board with beautiful cream paper—perfect for defacing! And by the end, the reader will have co-written a tale to return to again and again, and show off to family and friends.

My Thoughts Fun, fun, FUN! Kids are going to love this book!  The reader is the hero and he or she adds artwork to make a one-of-a-kind adventure. This would be a great book to draw in resistant readers (pun intended) because of its graphic novel/comic format and fairly sparse text. The plotline is silly enough that young ones will find it hilarious. AND they get to write in it! 
                                                                                                                                                                                          Pages 20-21 from advanced reader's copy. 
I would recommend Doodle Adventures: The Search for Slimy Space Slugs for readers ages 5-9 and for anyone who would enjoy creating a story. 

See what others have to say about this book:
Middle Grade Mafia 
Unleashing Readers

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