
Saturday, March 5, 2016

Norman Norman by Tara Lazar

Normal Norman
by Tara Lazar
Illustrations by S. Britt
Published March 1, 2016
Sterling Children's Books
40 Pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
What is "normal?" That's the question an eager young scientist, narrating her very first book, hopes to answer. Unfortunately, her exceedingly "normal" subject—an orangutan named Norman—turns out to be exceptionally strange. He speaks English, sleeps in a bed, loves his stuffed toy, goes bananas over pizza, and even deep-sea dives! Oh, no: what's a "normal" scientist to do?

My Thoughts
This book is SO much fun to read aloud! It begs to be shared with children. The poor book narrator is trying to demonstrate what "normal" is, but Norman the "normal" gorilla is not behaving as she hoped. He is afraid of bananas, sleeps in a bunk bed, is friends with a snake and carries a stuffed animal. Finally the narrator gives up and realizes that there is no such thing as normal. 

The illustrations are fun and silly and the animals are adorable. Kids will be begging to hear this one again and again! 
This book offers many opportunities for discussion about what is or is not considered "normal" or typical. I definitely need to own Normal Norman!

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  1. I'm here because of your reminder today, Gigi. I've seen others talk about this book, & it does sound like a great way to discuss differences, and the crazy expectations of "normal". Thanks!

  2. I'm not on twitter, but I enjoyed reading your post! Go, Norman and science for girls!

  3. "Normal" is such an important concept to kids. This looks like a great exploration of it.
