
Monday, March 7, 2016

It's Monday, What are You Reading? March 7, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

It was mostly a picture book week for me. Click on the book covers to learn more about them. 

So cute! Love books about books!

I read this to my 4th graders this week. We had fun miming after.

Fun, interactive book for young ones. 

I really enjoyed this adorable book when three toys go outside in the snow for the first time.

What are you reading friends?


  1. Otto the Book Bear looks adorable. We are big fans of books about books too!

  2. What cute picture books! Like you, I love books about books.

  3. I loved Toys Meet Snow after sharing it with students. Their reaction made me love the book even more.

  4. I really want Otto the Book Bear, it looks so cute, and I love books about books, too!

  5. I've read all these, Gigi, and they are wonderful. No favorites, but I did especially love Otto, The Book Bear!

  6. Confession: I am terrified of mimes! I was stuck in an elevator with one once, and I just have never seen them as harmless as I used to, so I am scared a bit to read Be A Friend! But I love Yoon! Such a predicament.

    Happy reading this week :)
