
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Nonfiction Picture Book Wednesday-A Place for Frogs by Melissa Stewart

My Friend Alyson Beecher at Kid Lit Frenzy hosts weekly link up to share Nonfiction Picture Books. Please visit her amazing website.

by Melissa Stewart
Illustrated by Higgins Bond
Expected release April1, 2016 
Peachtree Publishers
Nonfiction Picture Book
32 Pages
Review copy provided by publisher

Melissa Stewart and Higgins Bond team up once again, as they did in A Place for Butterflies and A Place for Birds,  to bring readers a book that will make them think about the impact humans have on animals and the environment and what we can do to change things.
Melissa Stewart is a master at writing nonfiction for children. 

Each page is set up with simpler text at the top of each page, many of them following a similar pattern, "When people ......., frogs can live and grow." This will help young readers make the connection of what we humans can do, rather than just sharing the factors that are endangering frogs. 

Within the illustrations below the text, there is an enlarged illustration and a text box giving more detailed information about the text above.  
Higgins Bond's illustration are incredibly detailed and realistic and work with the text perfectly to convey this important message.

At the end of the book there is a section listing ways children (and adults) can protect and help frogs such as leaving the frogs alone in their environment and not purchasing frogs from pet stores. 

The end papers include maps of the US and the shaded regions of different frog species. 
A Place for Frogs should have a place in every K-5 classroom and library.   

Possible Companion Texts

Read what others have to say about A Place for Frogs


  1. I love Melissa Stewart's books. And thank you for the other book ideas to pair it with!

  2. Such an elegant structural skeleton for the book!

  3. This looks great, Gigi. Thanks for sharing about the book's organization, too.

  4. Oh perfect! I've just been researching frog related picture books for our next homeschooling unit. We'll definitely include this one!

  5. I too am a Melissa Stewart fan. This one looks wonderful.

  6. Melissa Stewart is such a brilliant nonfiction author. This one looks great!

  7. Thank you for bringing this title to my attention Gigi. I will be adding it to my list. Melissa Stewart is an excellent nonfiction writer.

  8. Looks interesting. I love discovering new nfpb series.
