
Monday, February 1, 2016

It's Monday,What Are You Reading? February 1, 2016

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here is what I managed to read this week.
 Yes, another wonderful (practically) wordless picture book from Bill Thomson. Coming in March 2016. 
An interesting version of the classic fairy tale. 
Coming in April 2016.

Currently Reading 
This upcoming middle grade novel by Leslie Connor has me hooked! Coming in March.
My friend Paula Bourque has published this book on close writing aimed at helping educators to be able to help students read their writing more critically. Reading this one slowly to really digest it.

What are YOU reading friends?  


  1. Little Red looks quite striking, rather Scandinavian in its bold minimalism. Have a great week!

  2. I received a copy of The Typewriter last week but haven't read it yet. Looking forward to checking it out this week!

  3. Is Little Red a picture book or middle school novel? I wonder how it'll compare to Red by Liesl Shurtliffe?

  4. I've ordered Paula's book-can't wait to have the time to read it!

  5. I'm looking forward to reading all of these, especially Little Red! Thanks for sharing a great list!

  6. We can't wait to read Leslie Connor's book - Sounds amazing!

  7. All look good, Gigi. I have Red by Liesl Shurtlif, so it will be interesting to see how Little Red goes as well.

  8. Close Writing sounds very interesting. I am such a reader, but I try to read a lot of PD about writing to stay in the know. Thank you for sharing!

  9. We have an old typewriter in our library that students love to use. I am going to have to get The Typewriter. I don't have many books that feature them. I've got Click Clack Moo Cows That Type and The Lonely Typewriter, but that's it.

  10. Oh wow, there's a new Bill Thomson novel! Looking forward to finding that one.

  11. Lots of exciting books here! I'm really interested in Close Writing to support my teacher inquiry group. We are focusing on helping students to become better writers.
