
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall by Anita Silvey

Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall
by Anita Silvey
Published June 2015
National Geographic Children's Books
96 pages
Review copy provided by publisher

This biography chronicles the life and influence of Jane Goodall on the scientific community and the planet as a whole. Starting with young Jane who loved animals, the readers learns about how she used this love to become one of the most recognized and important scientists in the world. 

My Thoughts
This book is gorgeous! In addition to the text, each page contains a photo of Jane with her beloved chimps, other scientists, animals, field notes, or sketches. I enjoyed learning about each of the chimpanzees that she named when she was living in Gombe. These mini bios give inside information about the animals' habits and unique personalities. 
When Jane did her famous research, she did so using binoculars, a notebook and very little else. The book shows how research is done more easily today, largely with the aide of technology. Untamed also focuses on Goodall's legacy and how she changed how people look at the planet. In the Forward, she describes what people can do to help our planet and the creatures that inhabit it.  
I would highly recommend Untamed: The Wild Life of Jane Goodall to grades 4 and up. 

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