
Saturday, July 4, 2015

Celebrate This Week-July 4, 2015

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Thanks to Ruth for providing a platform for me to share my big and small celebrations. 

Today I celebrate this.

Although we are not a perfect country and have a long way to go in many areas, we have freedoms, rights and privileges that are not available to everyone. I celebrate the people who fought and continue to fight for our independence. 

Happy Independence Day! 


  1. You are right - we, the people, are not perfect but our country's ideals are.

  2. Thanks for celebrating this, Gigi. Happy Independence Day!

  3. Happy 4th!! We are so fortunate to live in this country.

  4. Happy 4th of July! I'm glad you took the time to celebrate! I'm glad I get to celebrate this too!

  5. I agree with you that while we are not perfect, there is much to celebrate. So happy to be a citizen of the USA.

  6. Happy 4th! We're a young country still so we can outgrow our imperfections still!
