
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Stack-It-Up Sunday, October 26, 2014

On Sundays I like to share some of the random piles of books around my house. I originally posted about my piles on this celebration post.  Along with showing everyone how messy my house is, I like to share because each pile has its own story.

Here are this week's stacks.
Harold and the Purple Crayon sits on the side table and Tyrannosaurus Reg is beside the ghost.

These are my latest acquisitions. I needed two more copies of One for the Murphys for book groups and my class wanted the second Explorer book.

I got Migrant from my library and Stuck in the Middle of Middle School was a gift I brought Molly back from my writing weekend. They sit on the kitchen counter.

This is my most recent library stack resting on the ottoman. Visit tomorrow to see all the wonderful picture books in here.

Random books sit on another side table. Molly thought she might like this 
kind of graphic novel, but she did not.

Lastly, this well-loved copy of over in the meadow sits on the playroom floor. 
TJ brought it in the car as we ran errands yesterday.

What books are in your stacks?

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