
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Slice of Life Post-Writing Retreat

Each Tuesday the amazing bloggers at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

This past weekend I had the great fortune to attend my first writing retreat at a beautiful resort on the ocean here in Maine. This retreat was held for some New England contributors to Choice Literacy. The enormously generous Brenda Power was our gracious hostess during this incredible three days. 
This is the view from the patio of my room. Nice view for writing!

I had never been on a retreat so I did not really know what to expect.  It turned out to be a weekend filled with gobs of indulgent writing time, sharing our writing and getting feedback from others, talking with dedicated educators, eating (too much) wonderful food and more, and more writing time. I was heavenly! Having the dedicated, uninterrupted writing time was just what I needed. I felt spoiled and more than a little guilty.
These are some of the books we received during our retreat. I know right? *Pinches self*

I was excited to make some new friends and to meet my online friends Tammy Mulligan and Clare Landrigan (from Teachers for Teachers) "in real life". They were presenting at a Choice Literacy workshop for literacy coaches. 
At breakfast with Clare, Tammy, Kathy Provost, (me) 
and my nerdy Maine friend Justin Stygles.

I am so glad that I had this opportunity and hope to attend another retreat in the future. It left me feeling revitalized and excited to write more. I never talk about myself as being a writer, but after writing and connecting with other writers this weekend, I am beginning to start to see myself in this light and it is very exciting.  


  1. My favorite part was the last line. I'm glad you are seeing yourself as a writer. Looks like a wonderful retreat! OK, I'm a little jealous. What a beautiful setting for some time for yourself which I'm sure is well deserved.

  2. How wonderful! I can feel the energy in your post.

  3. What a wonderful time! I am jealous along with Margaret! Visiting Maine is on my bucket list and that picture proves why!

  4. Hi Gigi --Love you post and loved meeting you. Having the time to write and connect with other writers is the best! Look forward to seeing you again soon.
    Clare and Tammy

  5. Loved this post, Gigi! Gorgeous view, great pile of books, and sounds like a wonderful recharging kind of weekend. I think I'll be a little jealous with Leigh Anne and Margaret!

  6. Wow, the view, the people, the books and the opportunity to learn and write - you had a magnificent gift. I am happy for you and hope that one day I will experience something similar.

  7. I saw some of your pics on FB, Gigi. This looks and sounds marvelous. So glad for you that you went, & how fun to meet Claire & Tammy, too. It's wonderful to get away to write!

  8. These Choice Literacy retreats look like so much fun - rewarding work with wonderful colleagues. I see s many failar faces in those pictures - thinking already of NCTE!

  9. Looks like a fabulous gathering and such fun to have more and more writing time! I love meeting online friends in real life.
