
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Stack-It-Up Sunday, October 12, 2014

On Sundays I like to share some of the random piles of books around my house. I originally posted about my piles on this celebration post.  Along with showing everyone how messy my house is, I like to share because each pile has its own story.

Here are this week's stacks.
This is the pile on my kitchen counter. It contains three books from the library including Bug Safari, Hank Finds an Egg and a Cork and Fuzz book. The book, Be a Changemaker is a book I won from a giveaway from my friend Alyson Beecher! 

 This is TJ's current fave. 

My daughter got this MSBA contender from the library. 

I could not resist purchasing these two Heineman titles at the Maine Literacy Council's Book Bonanza last week. Linda Reif's Read, Write Teach and Thomas Newkirk's Minds Made From Stories. 

What books are in your stacks? 
Happy Sunday!


  1. Ooh! I didn't know Tom Newkirk has a new book. I really love his "Holding On To Good Ideas in a Time of Bad Ones." I always enjoy your stacked posts!

    1. Thanks so much Elisabeth. Yes, I am excited to read Newkirk's new book along with the 6 other professional books I have waiting for me. I need more time in the day!
