
Sunday, June 22, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?-June 23, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

It's summer so I am happy to have 
been able to read a bit more than usual.
Firefly July: A Year of Very Short Poems
by Paul B. Janeczko
Illustrated by Melissa Sweet
This is a wonderful collection of short, seasonal poems. I love Melissa Sweet's illustrations. Great for your poetry collection. 
Grades 1-4

Things that Float and Things that Don't
by David A. Adler
A nice nonfiction book for getting into the science of why some things float and others sink. 
Grades 1-3

by Claudia Mills
Middle grade fiction
Grades 3-4
Review to come.

by Donald Graves
This books was required reading for a course I am taking this summer and I am glad it was. Graves tells it like it is and gives us some alternative ideas to standardized testing. 

Finished Listening to....
by Stephen King
I loved listening to this book. It is also a book I read for my course and I loved it. King's narration is just as I imagine he would talk, complete with colorful vulgarity. A must-read for any adult writer. 

by Dan Krokos
I don't read a lot of sci-fi, but I enjoyed this book very much. 
Grades 5-8 

As of this moment I have not decided what to read next from my big pile of summer reading. That's ok, it's summer!

What are YOU reading friends?


  1. I read Firefly July to my students in April and loved it. I love all the familiar poets and their short poems full of literary elements to share. I tried to link up today but didn't see a link spot. I finished two great realistic fiction books this week, Flipped and The Outcasts of 19 Schuyler Place. Both great!

  2. I have some poetry compilations by Janeczko, so may have to take a look at this. I always need poetry books with poems of at least 40 words, though, for when students have to memorize them! Looks like you have a lot of varied titles.

  3. Ooh! I've never heard of the Graves title you listed here but I definitely need to check that one out!

  4. Not only does Firefly July have a great cover that looks gorgeous on display, it's also a wonderful book of poetry.

  5. I love that you have a big pile of books waiting. Summer reading time is so awesome. :)

  6. Firefly July was so fun to use this year. It stretches to be used for so many ages! I have Annika on hold at the library. Hope you have a great reading week!

  7. I think I might have to buy Firefly Summer for my classroom. It really does seem like one I could use in many different ways in multiple courses. Also, I love Melissa Sweet's artwork! When my son and I finish The Imaginary Veterinary series, I think we'll read Annika Riz next. We both liked Kelsey Green. Looking forward to your review!

  8. I love Firefly July, a must for the classroom at almost any age, & thanks for the share of Annika Riz, Gigi. I am not familiar with it, so will look for it.

  9. I am going to read and review Firefly July soon, and everyone has loved it so I am so looking forward to it.
    Happy reading this week! :)

  10. I read and enjoyed Annika Riz a few weeks ago! It was delightful. I own King's On Writing, but haven't gotten to it. I never thought about listening it on audio book. I bet that would be a great format. Thank you for this idea!

  11. So pleased that you have so much more time for reading now that it is summer. This is such a varied reading list!

  12. Thanks for all of these titles. We can't wait to read Testing Is Not Teaching. We are big fans of Donald Graves

  13. I hope to pick up On Writing sometime soon. I adored Stephen King when I was in college. Read practically all of his novels at the time. I hope to catch up on his later novels soon. :)
