
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Celebrate This Week-June 21, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

As I write this, I am sitting here in my glider, feet up with a hot cup of coffee. It is Saturday, but right now all days feel like Saturday because IT'S SUMMER!! 

I'm sure I join many teachers in celebrating the start of summer vacation here in New England. The weather has been beautiful for the last 3 days. It's chilly in the morning (think 40's) and climbs to the seventies with a nice breeze. This may not sound like summer where you live, but believe me, in Maine we'll take it. 

I don't actually consider summer to be a vacation. Sure, I don't go to school every day, but I work hard in the summer. I change from a teacher-mom and a stay-at-home mom and that is a tough job. With a visiting grandmother, an 18 year-old step-daughter, a 12 year-old and an 8 year-old, we are pretty busy. Preparing meals, packing, delivering kids to activities, and traveling together is a lot of work and I would not have it any other way. I have missed my kids. They are growing so fast and I look forward to connecting with them more this summer. 

I wrote a long post of reasons why I love summer, but I deleted it. I decided it might be fun to write a "top ten" list instead. 

10. An extra cup of unhurried morning coffee.
9.  Being able to wear sandals all the time.
8.  More writing time (Teachers Write).
7.  Connecting with friends.
6.  No dressing up (and many days, no make-up).
5.  Having a full, noisy house.
4.  Nana's pool.
3.  SUN!
2.  Reading time (#bookday)
1.  Extra snuggles, laughs, stories and play time with my family! 

As summer officially starts, what are YOU celebrating?


  1. Truly a wonderful reason to celebrate, enjoy the start to your summer and savor your top ten! It's truly a gift to do life differently than a school schedule.

  2. So true - summer doesn't seem like a vacation - but I agree - so much to celebrate! Your list looks a lot like the one I have going in my head!

  3. Love your list. Enjoy that hurried work of momming. It is my number one favorite thing about summer vacation.

  4. Sometimes it's hard to believe you ever had time to go to work, isn't it?! Ha. Love your list and wholeheartedly agree!

  5. That's what I love about summer too - the transition to stay at home mom. Still many things on my plate, but a different variety. Yay no dressing up. I would have just about the same top ten. :)

  6. A beautiful top ten. Enjoy each of these! Lots of family time is a treasured part of my holidays.

  7. " I wrote a long post of reasons why I love summer, but I deleted it. " I love that sentence because it really speaks to the freedom we have as writers to let go of something we've worked on to let something even better come along!

  8. Love your summer top ten! And that is just the kind of weather I like best. Enjoy!

  9. I was a stay-at-home mom for 10 years before I became a teacher. Difficult, but most rewarding. Although I love my pool time, experiencing our Indiana humidity this last week, makes me envious of your weather!

  10. Such a joy to celebrate summer, isn't it, Gigi, & especially today! I love your list, & especially #1! Thank you!

  11. This is a great top 10 list! Happy Summer! With over 90 degree temps here in south Louisiana, I think I'll come to Maine. Do you have room for one more?

    1. Always room Margaret. I am outside by the fire with a sweat shirt on. In the high 60's tonight.
