
Sunday, June 1, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-June 2, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Not much this week, but I did finish...

Kelsey Green reading Queen
by Claudia Mills

I am currently reading...
Reviews to come.

Currently Listening

What Are You Reading Friends?


  1. I just bought Annika Riz because I really liked Kelsey Green. Hoping to read several more Claudia Mills novels this summer (I also really liked Zero Tolerance--would love to read that one aloud with kids and discuss!)

    1. I liked Zero Tolerance a lot too. It made me furious, but I enjoyed it.

  2. I just finished The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier! Scary good! In the beginning it reminded me a lot of Juniper Berry, which a lot of my readers loved! I think I sent you a recommendation through GoodReads. Also finished Out of the Box by Karma Wilson. It's a fun collection of poetry...something for everyone.

    1. I actually have an arc of a The Night Gardener from NCTE. Moving it up the summer list!

  3. I should look at these Franklin School titles for my room. The book I just read that I am telling EVERYONE about is Golden Boy by Tara Sullivan. WOW, wow, wow!

  4. Thanks for the reminder about claudia Mills work. I enjoyed reading How Oliver Olson changed The World and hope these two titles are as good.

  5. I just read the Franklin School books also. I haven't written up my reviews though. I didn't dislike them, but I had some issues with some of the competition. Still thinking about them.

  6. I know what you mean about being crazily busy - I am just now catching up on friends' blogposts - haven't read much last week too. I love the look of these middle grade novels you just shared -they look like fun reads!
