
Sunday, May 25, 2014

It's Monday, What Are You Reading-May 26, 2014

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Oh my word, it has been 3 weeks since posting my IMWAYR post. Life is just crazy-busy. I have read a bit, but just have not been able to post.

Here are the highlights from the last 3 weeks. Please click on the cover to go to the book's page on Goodreads to read more about it and to see my review. 

I listened to...

Currently Reading...

Currently Listening...

What Are You Reading Friends?


  1. I just finished Doll Bones by Holly Black. It was interesting. Now I know what my students were talking about! My adult book is An Uncertain Dream by Judith Miller.
    Thanks for sharing what you are reading and adding to my TBR pile!

  2. I can't wait to read The Fourteenth Goldfish. I'm saving it for my trip to San Francisco in a couple weeks.

  3. Do you member my "I loved this book, but I have 3 big problems with it" montage of Kelsey Green, Reading Queen? It was a popular read with my 4th grade girls this year. I loved Sugar as an adult reader but I'll be curious to see what student readers think...historical fiction is never an easy sell. Stranded hasn't seen a book basket since I book talked it last fall! Great book to hook some of those less active readers we encounter.

    Can't wait to read The Fourteenth Goldfish! I've been on a reading tear this weekend....finished Saving Lucas Biggs, Platypus Police Squad: The Frog Who Croaked, Fortunately, the Milk, The Sasquatch Escape, Duke, Hidden:A Child's Story of the Holocaust, The Spy Catchers of Maple Hill, and Nightingale's Nest. LOVED, LOVED the last two! Trying to read Zombie Baseball Beatdown...and by "trying" I mean...I'm trying to get through it but it's VERY trying....

    Have a great week! Happy Reading!

    1. You will have to refresh my memory on Kelsey Green. I managed to finish Zombie Baseball Beatdown, but it was not a fave. You read a ton of books! Great weekend!

  4. For some reason, I adored The Fourteenth Goldfish way more than I should. Take a look at for Jude Watson's Loot, too. Adored that as well, mainly because I want to BE an international jewel thief. One way to fund my library, right?

    1. I will certainly have to look for it. Thanks for the tip!

  5. Love Stephen King's book, Gigi! Thanks for all of these-some I'm not familiar with so will look for them. I love the different ideas about The Three Little Pigs-such fun stories. Have a good rest of the day!

  6. So jealous you've read The Fourteenth Goldfish. I have to wait until August to get mine! I loved Picture Day Perfection, though. Dan Santat gets those illustrations done right every time!!

    1. You should join a netgalley Michele. That's where I get many of my arc's.

  7. I have been a huge fan of Survivor for the past 14 1/2 years. I have two ofJeff Probst's Stranded books but have yet to read them. I know I will like them because survival stories have always been a favorite since I read Island of the Blue Dolphins back in 6th grade.

  8. Currently have a huge TBR pile, and it is building each day!! I am reading Sure Signs of Crazy by Karen Harrington and have also started Guitar Notes by Mary Amato. I purchased Elanor and Park, but if it is not appropriate for my 7th graders, I may not even read it.

  9. Got to check out Teague's 3 pigs and Picture Day Perfection They sound perfect for my school's library.
    Mrs. Brown Loves Bookworms

  10. I need to find Stephen King's memoir on writing. There was a time when I read nothing but his novels - when I was a university student. Then I stopped, as I found his novels too dark. Lately, though, I find myself purchasing more of his later books that I haven't gotten around to reading yet. He truly is prolific. :)
