
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Review of The Dumbest Idea Ever by Jimmy Gownley

This Saturday is Free Comic Book Day! 
Click here to find a participating comic book store near you.

The Dumbest Idea Ever 

by Jimmy Gownley
Published 2014 by Graphix
240 pages
Genre: Memoir
Format: Graphic Novel
Disclosure: ARC provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
Jimmy Gownley's graphic novel memoir about the "dumb" idea that changed his life forever!
What if the dumbest idea ever turned your life upside down?

At thirteen, Jimmy was popular, at the top of his class, and the leading scorer on his basketball team. But all that changed when chicken pox forced him to miss the championship game. Things went from bad to worse when he got pneumonia and missed even more school. Before Jimmy knew it, his grades were sinking and nothing seemed to be going right.
How did Jimmy turn things around, get back on top at school, and land a date with the cutest girl in class?

Renowned comics creator Jimmy Gownley shares his adventures as he grows from an eager-to-please boy into a teenage comic book artist. This is the real-life story of how the DUMBEST idea ever became the BEST thing that ever happened to him.

My Thoughts
I don't always enjoy graphic novels meant for older students, but I was really intrigued by this book. I think the fact that it is autobiographical made it interesting to me. Jimmy develops his talent and finds his passion at such a young age all while balancing the social awkwardness of adolescence. I think many students will be able to relate to his story and will find hope in reading about his struggles and accomplishments. Jimmy puts his mistakes and missteps out there for the reader to see. At times it is very funny to watch and other times you want to cringe in embarrassment. Because of some implied "romantic situations", I would recommend this book for grades 5 and up.  

Check out this book trailer.


  1. I personally do not like graphic novels, but my Son who is 10 loves them. It's probably the only thing we can get him to read, so thanks for bringing this to my attention :)

    1. My 4th graders have been passing it around all week.

  2. I have Dumbest Idea Ever sitting on my shelf right now. I'm glad to read your positive review! Hope you're having a great spring!

    1. This book has been making the rounds in my room all week. Hopefully spring arrives soon. Best of luck with your bundle!
