
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Stack It Up Sunday-March 2, 2014

Each stack has its own story. 

I think I am officially calling these posts "Stack it up Sunday". It seems that most Sundays I don't have anything in particular to talk about, but I always have stacks of books. If you didn't read my Celebration post about book piles, you can find it here

Here are some of my current stacks.

This is stack one of two from the public library in the town where I teach. I am hoping to read some of them today. 

This stack is also from the same library waiting to be read. 

Locomotive and Lightship by Brian Floca came from the public library where I live.  I read Locomotive yesterday.  My librarian recommended Lightship to me, but I have not read it yet. 

I was thrilled to win Oh My Godmother: The Magic Mistake from a Goodreads giveaway hosted by Alyson Beecher. I loved the first book and can't wait to read this one. 
This stack of A Snicker of magic is for our lunchtime book club that started this week.  Loving this one already!

What's in your stack? 
Feel free to take a picture and post a link in the comments. 

1 comment:

  1. In my stack I have A Snicker of Magic (LOVING IT,) Harriet the Spy and Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. I like your stacks and need to look into some of them to add to my stacks!
    Happy Sunday!
