
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Stack-It-Up Sunday-March 16, 2014

Each stack has its own story. 

It seems that most Sundays I don't have anything in particular to talk about, but I always have stacks of books. If you didn't read my Celebration post about book piles, you can find it here

Here are some of my current stacks.

This is an early chapter book series that I picked up at our school book fair. 

I won this set of books from a Biblionasium giveaway.  There were 5 books, but I gave 2 away. 

I used my Books-A-Million gift card from one of my students to purchase 2 more early chapter books from the Greetings from Somewhere series and Ken Jennings' book about Greek Mythology

What's in YOUR stack?


  1. It's nice to get the new titles, Gigi, of those early chapter books. I don't know that area very well, so appreciate it!

  2. I was so excited when two new books came in the mail yesterday!!!! Would you recommend any of the early chapter books for older struggling readers?

    1. YES! The Notebook of Doom series is going right to one of my struggling 4th grade boys tomorrow. It is REALLY good! It is funny, has a lot of action, is easy to read without feeling babyish or contrived and has great pictures. I would highly recommend it.

  3. I got a set of biography books from Biblionasium, too!
