
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Celebrating This Week- Parents, Performances and Publications

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Again, I have had to take a break from blogging due to a very school and family life. This week I have many things to celebrate. 

Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences
This was conference week at school. Although it is a crazy, busy week, I really enjoy talking with families. Together, my partner teacher and I hosted 48 conferences! It is so nice to discuss the students' progress in school and just to look back on our year together so far. 

My Daughter's Play
Molly is in the cast of Beauty and the Beast Jr. performed by Windham Center Stage Theater. She is the Old Beggar Woman, a wolf and a townsperson. I love watching her up on stage. When she is performing with her friends she is so happy. She displays a wonderful confidence that I love to see.  

My First Article for Choice Literacy
I was thrilled to have my first article published for Choice Literacy this week. It is about using your own reading to model reading strategies. I was also fortunate to have Brenda Power from Choice Literacy visit my classroom on Monday. She is such a smart and respected educator and it was so nice to have her with us.

Sticking With It
I am happy to celebrate nearly three weeks without having any sugar. I began the Whole30 Challenge three weeks ago and really can't believe I have managed to stick with it. I am rather proud of myself and I feel great! 

What Are YOU Celebrating This Week? 


  1. Congratulations on your CL article! CL has been such an amazing addition to my life. It's a special community, and Brenda is so generous. You'll love being a contributor. I really liked the article, too, and will be trying out your vocabulary strategy! I've tried the no sugar thing - it's hard, but it does feel good. Congrats to your daughter!

  2. Congratulations on having an article published for Choice Literacy! Well done. 48 conferences. I am exhausted at just the idea. I finished hours of conferences this week too. It is exciting but tiring!

  3. Congratulations on your published article! I am looking forward to reading it! 48 conferences! Wow! That's a lot! You must feel a huge sense of accomplishment (and relief!) I, too, attended my son's play this week so made connections to you celebrating your daughter's performance. Thanks for sharing these celebrations!

  4. Great celebrations this week. I am so glad when schools or community offer kids fine arts experiences. This brings out the best in so many children such as your daughter's confidence. Congrats on the article. I sent you a DM when you have time to answer. Have a great week.

  5. Congratulations on your article. I love Choice Literacy too. But I need to man up and join. I can't believe you are sticking with no sugar. What willpower!

  6. What a busy, yet positive week! It's fun getting to be that proud mama :) and big congrats on publishing for CL - I admire all you, I read everything I can but I do not like to write, no aspirations there - and congrats on no sugar. That's WILLPOWER!
