
Monday, March 31, 2014

My Must Read in 2014 April Update

Back in January I decided to join fellow blogger friends Carrie Gelson from There's a Book for That, Linda Baie from Teacher Dance and Maria Selke from Maria's Melange for the Must Read in 2014 Challenge. Our Must Read lists consist of books we want to make sure we read` this year. In my case the list is a combination of books I have been meaning to read and books I don't want to miss.

Here is my update.

My original list:


I am pretty happy with my "progress" so far. 

Books I have read:

They were all as good as I hoped. I am a HUGE fan of Cynthia Lord. I simply adore her novel RULES so I was excited to read her newest book Half a Chance It was just terrific. I was also happy that I put her novel Touch Blue on my list. I loved it and so did a few of my students. The Shadow Throne, was a wonderful conclusion to Jennifer Nielsen's Ascendance trilogy. Then, of course Kirby Larsen is brilliant with writing historical fiction. Duke is a fantastic book that occurs during WWll. I am not a dog-lover, but I absolutely LOVED it. I am so glad it made our Maine Student Book Award list for next year. The two professional books were valuable reads for me. Ruth Ayres reminds us to celebrate writing and writing in authentic ways in Celebrating Writers.  Dave Burgess had me all jazzed up after reading his book, Teach Like a Pirate.  He offers real strategies to revitalize your teaching. 

I am currently reading:

Looking forward to reading:


  1. Gigi, go over to Carrie's blog post & link up. Everyone will then know you posted today! I think most of the books on your list are also on mine, or at least I have them on "a" list to read soon. I'd really like to get to Every Day After, the reviews sound very good! Thanks for your opinion of the Cynthia Lord books, too. I just bought Half A Chance, & just finished a book group with Rules-they are good!

  2. I am reading Half a Chance right now and loving it! I just read Rules last year and fast became a fan. The Shadow Throne was checked off my list just yesterday - read it aloud to my children and we loved it so much. Happy Reading! Thanks for participating! I'm loving all the lists.
