
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Celebrating this Week-March 29, 2014

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

This will be short because I am getting ready to leave for a long weekend away with my hubby! so, of course, that is what I am celebrating. After the last few weeks of parent-teacher conferences, report cards and my daughters play for 3 weekends, my husband and I are heading to North Conway, New Hampshire. 

This is a tradition we started 5 years ago. Like most busy, working parents, we get very little time together. This makes it hard to stay connected as a couple. We don't go our on many dates because our son has autism and only a few family members are prepared to care for him. So this is the one weekend a year we spend together with NO KIDS! Don't get me wrong, obviously I love my kids, but I am also human and need a break every now and then. 

We spend 2 nights in NH. We shop the outlets, soak in the hot tub, talk, eat and sleep in. It is a wonderful weekend of relaxing and connecting. Of course the conversation always seems to drift back to the kids, but that's ok. 

I apologize that I won't be able to read or comment on blogs today, but I gotta go pack!!

Enjoy your weekends friends!


  1. Wishing you a wonderful time with your husband, Gigi. So lovely to get away no matter how much we adore our children! Good for the soul!

  2. Have a fabulous weekend. This sounds like such a lovely retreat for you and your husband. Enjoy!

  3. Gigi! Wishing you a relaxing and lovely weekend. Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! So good for you.

  4. How wonderful!! Enjoy! I am a big proponent of enjoying time with your spouse away from the kids. We all love our kids, but reconnecting with your spouse is very important. Have a great time - it looks beautiful!

  5. I hope it is a fantastic weekend!

  6. My husband and I always tried to carve out time for each other and now that the kids are grown, I'm so glad we did. We know and love each other even after they are gone.

  7. Have a great time. I love North Conway. I spent a summer there one year.

  8. I lived in NH for 8 yrs and loved it. So beautiful! Although now I am spoiled to the prairie landscape and all those trees make me nervous! I understand just what you mean about needing that time away with your husband. We adopted older children who have a lot of emotional needs and behavioral issues that make it hard for anyone else to care for them. But thanks to saintly Grandma, we are able to get away once a year. So important! Enjoy your vacation!

  9. Wow, this looks like a wonderful place to rest, relax, and reconnect! I hope you had a great time!

  10. It is so hard to get away once you are a parent! I totally agree with this. My parents love close and they take our kids for us so we can do date nights but my husband and I haven't gone away-away for a weekend in a long time...I'm not sure ever. This sounds nice! I hope you get to enjoy it!

  11. Have a blast! I am a firm believer in taking time with just my spouse! I love my children but I also want to teach them the importance of taking time out of "life" to focus on each other! I think spending time with just your spouse is a wonderful and very healthy thing to do! Enjoy! It looks beautiful :)
