
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Post a Picture of Your Pile

I have posted about my piles of books before.  I thought it might be fun to periodically post a picture of a pile or two.  If you make piles like me, then you know that each pile has its own story.

Recently I have started to cover my hardcover books with jacket covers and my well-loved paperbacks with a plasticy cover hoping to make them last longer. This pile is waiting for me to cover them. 

This is my "I hope to read soon" pile.  There are two library books under the Reading Teacher journal. Maybe I'll get to them today. 

What's in your pile?


  1. Love seeing this, Gigi. I have a pile of new books recently purchased at my conference, but also a shelf of 'next reads' full to the brim. Oh my, this is getting serious!

    1. I didn't get to my Tver pile today, but I did manage to cover the books.
