
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Celebrating This Week-Winter Break

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

I am trying to get my blogging mojo back. It has been a while since I have been able to post regularly. This week I am celebrating my vacation. 

In Maine we have a week's vacation in February. Unless you go away to some place warm, or you love snow, February vacation can be kind of anti-climactic. Despite the TON of snow we received, my family managed to squeak out a pretty nice vacation. Here is what I am celebrating from the past week. 

1. Time
The school weeks are always rush, rush, rush.  It was so nice to ease into the days with long, lazy mornings.  There was time to talk, time to play, time to watch movies and time to read.  I love having nothing planned and just seeing what the day brings. 

2. Anniversary
Although our anniversary usually gets overshadowed by other things, my husband and I celebrated 13 years of marriage this week. Since he also works in a school (he is a school secretary at my son's school) we got to spend lots of time together this week.

3. Organization
The amount of clutter our family manages to create never ceases to amaze me. We were able to spend some time decluttering and organizing.  Molly's room got a bit of a makeover. My husband painted it two new, bright colors (she said she wanted a "happy room). We also got rid of some junk and bought her a desk. It feels like the room of a "tween" now and less like a little girl. I'm not sure how I feel about that. 

My son TJ found the paint while he was playing upstairs alone. No, this wall was not supposed to be yellow. 

4. Party!
TJ, turned 8 years old this week. I can't believe how fast time flies. It was nice to have our family get together to celebrate. His favorite gift was a new lamp with 6 different colored shades. 

5. Friends
On Friday I got to have a long, rejuvenating lunch with my two favorite nerdies, Susan Dee and Cathy Potter. It was so great to sit and talk. We got to talk about books (and a few book-related topics) for over two hours! It was heaven.  

6. A "Warm" Day
I have to admit, I do not love snow. Yes, I live in Maine where the winters are long, cold and very snowy, but I don't really enjoy winter. However on Thursday it was unseasonably warm here, reaching into the 40's, so my family and I went sledding. We had a blast! This winter has been very long and it was great to play with the kids outside. 

What are YOU celebrating this week? 


  1. Like yours, my winter break was at home and quiet. Like yours, there is something pretty neat about not having the "rush" of a school week life. I am, however, envious that YOU got SO much done! WOW!

  2. I didn't know others of you also have a winter break. It's such a nice change before the next downhill slide of school-also rushed and busy. Your week sounds terrific, Gigi, even the decluttering. When there's time, that is a fun task too! Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday to your son-what a week of celebrating!

  3. Warm celebrations through the snowy winter. Your pictures were bright, sharing the fun you celebrated. Happy you had some time to relax and spend time with the family.

  4. Sounds like a great week. Living in Iowa, I totally understand the loooonnnnnggggg winters. We had three different snow events this week. UGH. So I ended up with a mini vacation I didn't really plan on. The slow down days are nice......

  5. What a great week! I love that your son's favorite gift was a lamp, and his wall -- shows his aesthetic qualities.

  6. Sledding sounds so much fun!! No hill close to my house, but I am enjoying a bright sunshine this morning. Lunch with friends is always fun!

  7. A wonderful celebration! Your week off sounds like it was not only fun but also productive. That always feels good. I do not live in snow so I enjoy seeing the pictures of it. Hard to imagine having to deal with it, though.

  8. Lunch was fantastic! I love that we never seem to run out of things to talk about...could have stayed for hours! Enjoy the last two days of vacation, my friend!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you, and happy Birthday, TJ...and happy, yellow walls. Even when they aren't supposed to be yellow!

  10. This is such a lovely celebration! I bet your lunch was so much fun - how wonderful to get to talk books and connect! Love your son's artistic flair :-)

  11. A February break sounds loverly! Sounds like you filled it with lots of good things.

  12. What fun celebrations! Vacation days, lunch with friends, anniversary and birthdays! Wow no wonder you haven't had time to write!

  13. The unplanned yellow wall...I love how you celebrated that moment!
