
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Slicing About My One Little Word

Each Tuesday Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

My One Little Word

I was so thrilled when my Twitter and blog friends clued me in to this One Little Word (OLW) idea. I had made the decision to NOT make resolutions which I discussed this last week, but I was really excited about OLW.

Then, of course I had to think of my word, a word that would guide my actions, interactions and thoughts this pressure.  

I have been thinking and a few times I thought I had made up my mind, but then it just didn't feel right.  So I tossed around a few more words, maybe present? Present is good.  Everyone needs to be more present. Or healthy, I definitely need to make healthier choices. 

It went like this for a few days.  But now I have finally made my decision.  My OLW is revealed in the word cloud below along with a few others I gave a spin. 

Why did I choose reach?  A simple answer is, it just felt right. Reach can mean so much. Reach inside and find strength, patience, energy, faith.  Reach toward others. Reach your goals. Reach to lend a hand.  

This year I have many goals for myself and some of them will require me to reach outside my comfort zone to try new things. My goals will require that I reach within and decide what is important. 

So there it is, my One Little Word.  

What's Yours? 


  1. Great word with so many possibilities. I like the idea of reaching outside of your zone...

  2. Reach is a great word. Take risks and stretch yourself in new ways! I am tagging you: Congratulations on your Sunshine Award!

  3. Reach is a great word -- so many images come to mind. Onward!

  4. Great OLW - sounds take charge and positive!

  5. Reach can go in many directions. It is a really good guiding word.

  6. I like the idea of making a WORDL from other words that you considered!

  7. I am already imagining the things that can happen Gigi! Here's a quote I know: "Reach for the moon, 'cause even if you miss you land among the stars." Best wishes!

  8. We have the same word - I guess great minds think alike huh? :) Looking forward to seeing how you reach this year! Great things happen when we reach out!
