
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Celebrating This Week- Back to School, Revisions and nErDcamp NNE Prep

Every week, Ruth Ayres over at Discover. Play. Build. invites people to share celebrations from their week.  Please visit and consider linking up your own celebration. 

Here are some things I am celebrating this week. 

1. Being Back at School  
Don't get me wrong, I love snow days and being with my family.  But, after a vacation and 3 unexpected storm days in a row, I was ready to get back to school and see my kiddos. 

2. Revising Stories with my Class  
I may get kicked out of the blogging/writing community here, but sometimes I just don't enjoy revising writing with my 4th graders.  However, this week there were some breakthroughs as many students began to show some signs of wanting to revise their writing and showing pride in doing so.  

3. Getting Ready for nErDcamp
On Friday night the nErDcamp NNE committee got together to stuff the goody bags that participants will receive next Saturday.  It took 4 hours, but it was so much fun.  It felt like getting ready for Christmas.  

4. A Break
I will be taking this week off from blogging.  With nErDcamp coming in a week, schoolwork and my daughter's crazy week-before-performance play practice schedule, I will be pretty busy. I look forward to sharing about and recapping nErDcamp NNE here next week.  

What Are You celebrating Friends? 


  1. I guess I won't hear from you until after your NErD Camp, Gigi. Hope it's a wonderful time with everyone! Glad you're back after that storm-what a time you all must have had! Have a good week, busy though it will be!

  2. Can't wait to hear about Nerdcamp! Have a wonderful time!

  3. Good luck with Nerdcamp and your daughter's play!

  4. I know what you mean about getting back to school! There's an energy from the kids that I just can't live without!

  5. I know what you mean about getting back to school! There's an energy from the kids that I just can't live without!

  6. Hope all goes well with nErDcamp. This is new to me so I look forward to hearing about it. Busyness is good, but we will soon miss the laziness of the holidays and snow days.

    1. I know Margaret. I am rather enjoying my lazy Sunday morning. :-)

  7. Can so relate to your comments about revision (and editing) with kids. In my mind, it feels kind of like exercise- I don't enjoy doing it, but I feel really good after we are done. Have a terrific week!

  8. Good luck with NErDcamp! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  9. Gigi,
    Exciting stuff that there was shift with your students regarding revision. I wonder what made the difference? Enjoy nErDCAMP! I'll look forward to hearing about it next week.
