
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Slice of Life- Remembering Christmas as a Child

Each Tuesday Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

As is typical of or family, we have spent the last few days preparing for Christmas.  We've baked, shopped, cleaned and wrapped.  We are excited to spend the next several days with family celebrating this festive time of year. As I wrapped gifts last night I have to admit, I was getting excited about seeing my kids' faces as they open some of their gifts. Of course I realize that Christmas is far more than gifts, but then I think back to being a little kid.  Just go back with me for a minute.  

Find THAT feeling. That magical, wonderful Christmasy feeling. The feeling that you are too excited to sleep on Christmas Eve. The wonderful realization you have after you wake (too early) that maybe Santa has come.  The house seems to shimmer with Christmas magic as you slowly tiptoe down the stairs to get a peek at the tree. Look at all those presents!  Even though you're not sure that you should, you step closer to see which are meant for you. Then it's time to wake up those slumbering parents.  "He came, he came, Santa came" you whisper-shout as you jump into their warm bed.  It's not all about the presents.  All day long, things just seem different. The house smells different, sounds different, feels different.  There is so much happiness and love, you can almost touch it.  

My oldest child is eleven and still completely believes in Santa. Each year, my husband and I say "This is probably the last year" that she will believe.  Maybe this will be the last year, who knows. I fully intend to just soak it all up.  My babies are still little enough that they are filled with the delightful wonder of the season and I feel blessed beyond measure.  

Wishing you all a holiday filled with wonder, anticipation, excitement, and love.  


  1. Yes,
    I remember the excitement. And tonight I still believe Santa will come. And, he will. How fun to enjoy the excitement of your daughter waiting for Santa. I hope no one tells her.
    Do you remember when someone told you they didn't believe anymore?

    1. Unfortunately my older brother told me when I was about seven, the little stinker.

  2. Thank you for bringing me back to those magical moments. Our children are grown, and we won't all be together on Christmas, so it's nice to think back to when they were little. Merry Christmas!

  3. I hope you and your family have a blessed holiday, Gigi.

  4. The excitement builds. I still believe, even though I better get to it before the kids wake up. I am missing one this Christmas, and I'm not sure yet what it will do to me to see the stocking lay untouched. She will be home by Friday, but this is our first year not to have all the girls here. But the excitement and magic is still there. Even the pets know it's Christmas.

  5. You captured perfectly that special childlike wonder.
