
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Slice of life- Reflections from Camp

Each Tuesday Ruth and Stacey at Two Writing Teachers host Slice of Life Stories (SOLS). This is where bloggers link up to share anything they would like to share about what is happening in their lives. 

For the last five summers, my family has rented a camp on a small, peaceful, beautiful lake here in Maine.  We stay in a cozy camp that is about 20 feet from the lake's edge. We get to listen to loons cry and children laugh. Our kids get to swim, fish, play board games and roast marshmallows at night by the fire.  

I love this week for so many reasons. First, I get to be with my family which includes my husband and kids and my mother-in-law (yes this is a good thing...she rocks!).  I also get to connect with my mother, my sister, my niece and nephew and some great friends that come to visit.  It is wonderful to sit and enjoy the warm Maine weather and to swim and play with my kids. 

I think I am able to enjoy this week more because I am away from the distractions of my house.  I can't see the basement that needs organizing, the closets that need cleaning or the gardens that need weeding.  My time is spent making wonderful memories with the people I love. 

And of course, I get to read, but not as much as you would think.  With small children around there is always someone to dry off, feed or help in some way.  I get to read uninterrupted at night and in the early morning by the calm, glassy lake. I enjoy those moments tremendously. 

I feel so fortunate to be able to spend this quality time with the people who are most important to me. I hope you have a special place to connect with your family. 


  1. Gigi,
    Your vacation spot looks incredibly calm and serene! I know what you mean about having little people around to take care of! They are the reason we didn't travel to far from home the last three years!
    Next year, we're hoping to make it back to the beach!

  2. What a beautiful spot. I too recharge at camp. Enjoy your last few days.

  3. We used to live on a lake & loved every bit. Lately I spent a week on the beach with my family-so wonderful, as yours seems, Gigi. Love the pics and the serenity you are sharing. So happy for you that you have this time!

  4. Oh, this sounds too perfect! Thanks for letting us into your get away. Love the picture of your happy, relaxed family! Hold on to those special memories of slowing down life because all too soon we will be back on that roller coaster ride at school!
