
Monday, August 12, 2013

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? August 12, 2013

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here is what I have read over the last TWO weeks. Sorry, no time to describe the books so please click on the covers to learn more and to see my rating on Goodreads.

Picture Books

Middle Grade Novel

Professional Read

Currently Reading


  1. So many familiar titles here. Bluebird seems to be making quite the rounds recently - unfortunately we still don't have the title in our library. I'd look for Through Georgia's eyes - sounds like something I'd love.

  2. Wow--that middle grade novel cover! Love the Tea Rex title, too--clever. :-)

    Thanks for the recommendations!

    Natalie @Biblio Links

  3. I adored Tea Rex! Definitely one of my favorite picture books of the year.

    I need to check out Through Georgia's Eyes. Her work fascinates me.

  4. I am such a fan of Beatles music so The Beatles were Fab (and they were funny) appeals to me. In fact, that great title does too. I have the Clara book right here next to me. I will read it today. Nice share.

  5. I just got Building Our House from the library, this week's read, plus the Beatles book & the one about O'keefe looks beautiful, of course. Thanks for the others new to me, like Tea-Rex-cute to see! And I keep hearing about the Henkes book-love him too! Thanks, Gigi!

    1. Yes, Linda The Year of Billy Miller is getting a lot of love right now. I think I am the only person that thought it was just ok. I even read it twice to see what I was missing.

  6. So many great titles in your picture book list! I especially loved Building Our House and Flora and the Flamingo. Coville's book will be immediately be pointed out to my 9yo Colville fan when she gets home from camp today! Enjoy The Year of Billy Miller--it sounds great!


  7. Thanks for sharing The Joy of Planning. It seems like they try to put some positive energy into something that some teachers find to be overwhelming. What did you think about it?

    1. I really loved it. Unlike many professional books, it was fairly short and to the point. She gives real strategies to use and possible mentor texts. It definitely makes mini lesson cycles make sense.

  8. I just picked up Building Our House today so will be reading it soon also. Great titles! The Beatles book looks cool. Thanks!

  9. Oh many of my recent favourites are here! I smile just seeing them! Building our House is so wonderful. But No fits Nilson I think needs lots of love! Such a find! I didn't want to put it down at the bookstore! Can't wait to get my hands on The Year of Billy Miller!
