
Monday, July 29, 2013

Last Chance to Sign up to Win a Kindle Fire HD and More!

Welcome to our Kindle Fire HD giveaway! (giveaway widgets deactivate at midnight) Today's the last day to enter! We just want to make sure everyone knows you can also win 5 middle grade paperbacks from Nancy Tandon. You don't need to do anything special, just enter the Kindle Fire Giveaway using the Rafflecopter below (US mailing addresses only). Oh and make sure you follow Nancy on Twitter!
Sponsored by  Kid Lit Frenzy Read Now Sleep Later Nite Lite Book Reviews The Windy Pages The Book Pixie There's a Book The Late Bloomer's Book Blog Teach Mentor Texts The Reading Date Nancy Tandon Read Write Mom Show our blogger friends some love and at the same time earn entries into the giveaway! The Kindle Fire HD winner (US only) will also get their choice of 1 July or August Kindle eBook from Kid Lit Frenzy 1 YA Kindle eBook from Read Now Sleep Later 1 MG Kindle eBook from There's a Book If you are not from the United States, use the second Rafflecopter to enter to win up to $20 worth of books from  and an ARC or signed copy of a book from Kid Lit Frenzy (A list of possible prizes will be posted after July 14, so check back!)
If you are a blogger, you can earn an extra entry by re-posting the giveaway. Copy the HTML from this page and paste it into a new post. We cannot count your entry unless you leave us the link, so remember to paste the link into the Rafflecopter widget. If you cannot embed the Rafflecopter widget, here is the Share Link for the Kindle Fire HD (US only) and the Share Link for the International $20 widgets.
1. You must be 13 years of age or older to enter, or have a parent/guardian enter for you. All entries are subject to verification.
2. We will notify the winner via email within 48 hours after the contest's end (11:59 pm on July 29).
3. The Kindle Fire HD winner must have a mailing address in the United States. The International ($20 books) winner can be anywhere except the United States.
4. The winners will have 48 hours to reply with their mailing address or another winner will be chosen.
5. Contest sponsors are not responsible for items lost in the mail.
6. We love comments, but please do not leave personal information such as email or mailing addresses in the comments! We are using Rafflecopter because it will keep your information private.
Questions? Please email the organizer, Alethea, at frootjoos at gmail dot com.
Good luck!

Inspired by Kathy at I am a Reader Please check the links at the top of the page for more giveaways!

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