
Sunday, July 7, 2013

A BIG Kindle Fire Giveaway and It's Monday, What Are You Reading? July 8, 2013

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Before I get to my IMWAYR post, 
I'd like to tell you about a great giveaway.

Welcome to our Kindle Fire HD giveaway! Sponsored by  Kid Lit Frenzy Read Now Sleep Later Nite Lite Book Reviews The Windy Pages The Book Pixie There's a Book The Late Bloomer's Book Blog Teach Mentor Texts The Reading Date Nancy Tandon Read Write Mom Show our blogger friends some love and at the same time earn entries into the giveaway! The Kindle Fire HD winner (US only) will also get their choice of 1 July or August Kindle eBook from Kid Lit Frenzy 1 YA Kindle eBook from Read Now Sleep Later 1 MG Kindle eBook from There's a Book If you are not from the United States, use the second Rafflecopter to enter to win up to $20 worth of books from  and an ARC or signed copy of a book from Kid Lit Frenzy (A list of possible prizes will be posted after July 14, so check back!)
If you are a blogger, you can earn an extra entry by re-posting the giveaway. Copy the HTML from this page and paste it into a new post. We cannot count your entry unless you leave us the link, so remember to paste the link into the Rafflecopter widget. If you cannot embed the Rafflecopter widget, here is the Share Link for the Kindle Fire HD (US only) and the Share Link for the International $20 widgets.
1. You must be 13 years of age or older to enter, or have a parent/guardian enter for you. All entries are subject to verification.
2. We will notify the winner via email within 48 hours after the contest's end (11:59 pm on July 29).
3. The Kindle Fire HD winner must have a mailing address in the United States. The International ($20 books) winner can be anywhere except the United States.
4. The winners will have 48 hours to reply with their mailing address or another winner will be chosen.
5. Contest sponsors are not responsible for items lost in the mail.
6. We love comments, but please do not leave personal information such as email or mailing addresses in the comments! We are using Rafflecopter because it will keep your information private.
Questions? Please email the organizer, Alethea, at frootjoos at gmail dot com.
Good luck!

Inspired by Kathy at I am a Reader

Now here is my It's Monday, What Are You Reading Post. Incidentally, it is my 100th post!

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.

Here is what I read this week. Click on 
the cover to go to the book's page on

Still Reading (and loving!)

Currently Listening

Other recent posts:

What Are You Reading?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post Gigi! So glad you've joined the blogging world! And what an exciting giveaway to be a part of too!

    Gone Fishing is my reading pile for this week and I'm still working my way through The Real Boy. Love it when we are reading the same books!

    Happy Reading!

    1. Cool! Gone Fishing is a super-quick read. I am hoping to finish The Real Boy today or tomorrow. We can talk about it on Friday!!

  2. I really enjoyed Penguin and Pinecone. The Real Boy looks interesting. Congrats on post 100!

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post, Gigi. Lots of writing (and reading) there! I need to read Cinder, but still haven't gotten to it. The Princess and the frozen peas looks hilarious. Hopefully I can find it at the library! Thanks for all!

  4. I hope you enjoyed Cinder as much as I did. I just finished the sequel, Scarlet, last week. I can't wait for Cress to come out next year. What a creative spin on fairy tales!

    1. Ooh, I did not know the next one was out. I definitely loved that book. The way it ended makes me have to read the next one.

  5. Hi Gigi! I LOVED Gone Fishing! A definite must for my classroom library! I see it as an awesome mentor text. How is Bomb on audio? I was riveted to that book, I kept looking up from it to tell my fiancé about what I was learning :) 100th post, Woo-whoo! You're one busy lady! I love visiting your blog. Happy reading week!

    1. Thanks Nicole. Gone Fishing was really great. I did manage to review it and another book on the MSBA site yesterday. BOMB is pretty good on audio, but I think I would be more focused on this kind of book with a paper version.

    2. Awesome, we're loving outside reviews! Maybe this will be our biggest year yet for outside contribution :) I know what you mean about needing the actual book for BOMB. With audio books you really never know how the experience will go.

  6. Cinder made its way around my classroom like wildfire last year - definitely going to have to read this! Bomb was a great read, curiuos about how it works as an audio, too.

    1. I did not realize Cinder was a trilogy when I read it. Looking forward to the next two. Bomb is working for me so far as an audio.

  7. Congratulations on your 100th post! I loved Penguin and Pinecone and kept returning to it as a mentor texts for months. I'm excited for the third one (Penguin in Love) to come out in December (I think). Can't wait for The Real Boy to be released so I can read it too! I'm hearing so many good things about it.

    1. Thanks so much. I can't really believe I have posted that many times. It has been a lot of fun. I'll bet Penguin and Pinecone is a great mentor text for little ones.

  8. Congrats on your 100th post! I am reading a few but the most fun right now is King Solomon's Mines because I am reading it with my 8th grade son. Anyone who would like an adventure along the lines of Indiana Jones would enjoy this Allan Quatermain classic.

    Logan would like me to add that he is reading Earthling and also Tales from the Hood. He misses you. :)

    We hope that you are enjoying your summer!

    1. Aw! I enjoyed Earthling, but have not heard of Tales from the Hood. So glad he is reading! Miss you guys too!

  9. Hooray for your 100th post! I just adored Penguin and Pinecone. So, so, sweet. And I just loved BOMB . . . curious to hear how it worked for you on audio.


    1. Not so great on audio. I will need to look at the books to see what I missed.

  10. Thanks Lorna. I am enjoying Bomb on audio right now. I will have to check out the print version to see what I am missing.

  11. I adored Penguin and Pinecone - haven't read the others in this series yet. Did you like Cinder? I have it but haven't read it yet! 100 posts! Well done!

    1. Yes, Carrie I really like Cinder. I did not realize it was a trilogy so it ends in a real cliffhanger.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Need to read Penguin and Pincone and Penguin on Vacation. I love penguin books.
    Cinder is one of my favorite dystopian-esque books. I loved the sci-fi take on fairy tales. I cannot wait to read Cinder.
    How is Bomb on audio? I want to read that one :)
    I'll be reading The Real Boy soon as well and I have only hear amazing things!

    Thank you so much for participating in IMWAYR and happy reading this week :)

    1. BOMB was ok on audio. I had a little trouble keeping track of the characters and I wonder if the book used graphics. I would recommend a paper copy.

  14. Congratulations on your 100th post! Summer in our house has definitely included a lot of reading... sometimes the kids are excited, other times they will fight me (I guess I can't blame them). You've peaked my interest on Cinder. I just might have to check that out! So far I've read Small as an Elephant, Genie Wishes and Prairie Evers. I am currently reading The Strange Case of Origami Yoda. Cailyn is working hard on the latest Middle School book and Timmy Failure. Congratulations again!

    1. Wow! You have read some good ones. Don't read Cinder unless you are willing to commit to the trilogy. I ends in a real cliffhanger and there are two more books. I did not know that when I read it, but it is on the MSBA list for 13-14.

  15. The title of the Princess and the Packet of Frozen Peas made me laugh out loud. Must check that one out.

    Congats on your 100th post, Gigi!

  16. Congratulations on your 100th blog post! :) How exciting! :) I love your reading list; I am interested in your review of The Lost Boy.


  17. Congrats on your 100th post, Gigi! Fun to follow your reading adventures!

    x, M
