
Monday, April 8, 2013

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? April 8, 2013

Please visit the amazing blog: Teach Mentor Texts 
who host this terrific meme each week. 

I enjoyed several great books this week!
Click on the title to go to the book's Goodreads page.

Picture Books/Poetry
Although I didn't really plan it, they all have a haiku theme.

 Won Ton 
by Lee Wardlaw
A story written in haiku.  It is also the winner of this year's Chickadee Award!  I am not a cat person and I enjoyed it very much.

by Bob Raczka and Peter Reynolds
I book filled with classic "boyish" activities written in haiku.  I think boys today could use a little more riding bikes with a baseball card in the spokes.  

by Andrew Clements
Cute story told from the dog's point of view in haiku.  

Graphic Novels

by Jeanne DuPrau
I have not read the original novel, so I can not compare the two. Although a bit brief, I enjoyed this book about a civilization that lives in near darkness and isolation.

Middle Grade Novels

I finished reading...
by Jennifer A. Nielsen
I loved this book so much that I had to immediately move on to the next in the series. 
So I read...

by Jennifer A. Nielsen 
This book is so full of action and suspense that I had to 
stop myself a few times to take a deep breath and calm down.

Just Starting 

by Kimberly Griffiths Little

Currently Listening

by Gordon Korman 
I really enjoy Gordon Korman's books and this one is very entertaining so far. 

What Are You Reading?


  1. You read two of my favorite Haiku books. I just love Guyku and Dogku. I agree with you about that boys need more bike riding with baseball cards in the spikes.

    So glad you liked The False Prince. I think The Runaway King is just as good. I can't wait for the next one.

    1. I can't wait for the next one either. I just stumbled upon the haiku books, fun reads.

  2. Hi there, love the poetry books you have here - they are all familiar titles but have not had a chance to read them yet. I've been seeing a lot of Nielsen's novels - looks like they are universally enjoyed! :) Will have to check this one out for myself.

    1. They are really good. I am trying to fill some of my poetry gap. I shy away from it for some reason.

  3. Guyku looks interesting...what an author/illustrator match-up! Thanks for sharing!


  4. I just read The False Prince a couple of weeks ago and immediately had to buy Runaway King. I haven't started it yet, though, because I have a feeling I won't be able to put it down until I'm finished: it's going to be my treat when the semester is over and the papers are graded!

    1. Definitely wait until our papers are graded. If you start it, you'll never get your work done :)

  5. Hi Gigi,
    I totally missed City of Ember as a GN last year! I enjoyed the original, although it's been about 7 years since I've read it... Love the Haiku selections! Something about spring and haikus!

    1. I have heard criticisms about the GN being too brief. It was just ok for me.

  6. Great books! I LOVED The False Prince and Runaway King! My students are passing around the graphic novel of City of Ember. I love that you accidentally chose Haiku-themed books. ;-) Enjoy Ungifted! Happy Reading!

  7. Hi Gigi, you've made me want to read the rest of those haiku books. I have read Won Ton & liked it. And I just can't find enough time to read more of The False Prince, but I will! And I already have the 2nd one ready. I didn't know The City of Ember was out in a graphic novel-interesting. I liked the first, & probably won't get to this one. Thanks for all!

  8. I am jealous that you were able to go right from The False Prince to The Runaway King! The waiting was torture in our house - but we are almost finished reading The Runaway King (I;m reading it aloud to my ten year olds) and just in time as we have tickets to see Jennifer A. Nilesen in person next week! We are VERY excited. Such intrigue and suspense!

  9. I LOVED the False Prince and The Runaway King was even BETTER! Can't wait for the 3rd book. I think i need to read Guyku and DogKu as I have a house full of both!
