
Friday, January 18, 2013

Review- A Tangle of Knots

A Tangle of Knots by Lisa Graff

240 pages
To be released on Feb. 12, 2014
Review copy provided by

The Thing About Georgie is one of my favorite books so I was really exited to read Lisa Graff's latest.  She definitely has a way of creating quirky, loveable characters and unique story lines.

Goodreads describes Tangle of Knots as "Savvy Meets When You Reach Me" and I would have to agree.  

Here is their summary (minus spoilers at the end):
Told from multiple viewpoints, A Tangle of Knots is a magnificent puzzle. In a slightly magical world where everyone has a Talent, eleven-year-old Cady is an orphan with a phenomenal Talent for cake baking. But little does she know that fate has set her on a journey from the moment she was born. And her destiny leads her to a mysterious address that houses a lost luggage emporium, an old recipe, a family of children searching for their own Talents, and a Talent Thief who will alter her life forever. However, these encounters hold the key to Cady's mysterious past and how she became an orphan.

What I think:
I have to say that I was a bit confused at the beginning.  The book has a LOT of characters that appear to be unrelated at first. It moves quickly and goes in a million different directions.  Having said that, I really enjoyed this book very much.  I loved Cady and how she positively affects everyone she meets. There are also many yummy looking cake recipes throughout the book.
Lisa Graff has woven an intricate web of lives that come together by fate.  It is fascinating to watch how all of these lives could lead to Cady and her perfect family. 

I would recommend this book for grades 4 and up. Themes and topics covered in this book included families, adoption, differences, talents and friendship. 

Click here to see Lisa Graff baking Miss Mallory's Peach Cake.


  1. I LOVE Lisa Graff--so happy she has another book coming soon! This is the first I've heard of it--thanks for sharing:-)
