
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Picture Book Challenge Week Two

We continued our picture-book-a-day challenge this week.  Please click to see our last post. 

This challenge has not been much of a challenge.  Through this challenge, I am more convinced than ever that 4th graders still love picture books.  We have been enjoying our reading very much.  Some books are just fun and we all share a laugh together.  Others are thought provoking and relevant, lending themselves to wonderful, rich discussions.  

Here are the five we read this week.

 One by Kathryn Otoshi led to some     My Brother Martin was a great         We are learning about
 important discussions. A great book      MLK book to share this week.         similes and metaphors.
 to pair with our reading of Wonder.                                                             Love these books!

                       We enjoyed Extra Yarn and discussed          Mo Willems is ALWAYS a winner!

So over the two weeks the students are pretty split on their favorites but here are the top three.

Please visit again for more updates on our 
picture book-a-day in January Challenge.

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