
Saturday, February 5, 2022

I am Golden by Eva Chen

I am Golden
by Eva Chen
Illustrated by Sophie Diao
Published Feb. 1, 2022
Feiwel Friends
Picture Book
40 Pages 
Review copy provided by publisher

Goodreads Summary
What do you see when you look in the mirror, Mei? Do you see beauty?
We see eyes that point toward the sun, that give us the warmth and joy of a thousand rays when you smile. We see hair as inky black and smooth as a peaceful night sky. We see skin brushed with gold.

This joyful and lyrical picture book from New York Times-bestselling author Eva Chen is a moving ode to the immigrant experience, as well as a manifesto of self-love for Asian American children.

My Thoughts
This book will hit readers right in the feelings. Based on the author's true experiences, it presents the prejudice and mistreatment that many Asian-American immigrants face in a way that will make sense to younger readers. I have been able to share this beautiful book with children in grades 3-6 and have seen its power first hand. Teachers have been able to use the text as a catalyst for rich, important discussions. 
Not only does I Am Golden portray examples of racism, but it is absolutely beautifully written with rich vocabulary and lyrical prose.  Sophie Diao's gorgeous illustrations beg to be closely explored and will draw young readers further into the story. 
Image from 

The back matter is not to be missed, including a powerful author note describing the author's real experiences. 
I AM Golden has a place in all school and classroom libraries, but i feel that the sweet spot is grades 3+.  

Check out the author sharing the book on Good Morning America