
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Teachers, I Feel You

The first week of school is done and we are ready to start again with week 2.  I was a classroom teacher for many years and I remember how tough the first week(s) can be. As an instructional coach during the first week of school, I visit classrooms and try to be helpful. I assist teachers with finding resources and pop into classrooms and help as the students learn new routines. I do some read alouds and book talks and answer lots of questions. Part of the role of a coach is to watch and listen carefully. Last week I saw so many beautiful moments in my schools as all of the adults in our buildings collectively supported students in the transition back to school that I wanted to write about them.

Teachers, I Feel You

To the teacher with the new student 
Who can not keep his hands to himself. 
You cheerfully say, 
"It looks like you could use more space, 
How would you like to use the table?" 
I feel your patience.

To the teacher who gently holds the hand 
Of an exhausted little guy as he sobs, 
"I miss my mom". 
I feel your kindness. 

To the teacher with that challenging class.
You read a book to them called, I Believe in You.
I listen as you talk about ways to support them.
I feel your devotion.  

To the teacher who dropped your own child at day care 
for the first time this morning.
You dry your tears and give your best self to your students. 
I feel your strength. 

To the teachers who walk their classes in lines. 
Saying, "I see walking feet." 
"I see students facing forward." 
I feel your optimism. 

To the teacher with the "resistant" student
Who refuses to come to circle.
"We simply can't do this without you." is all you say.
I feel your respect. 

To the nervous new teacher. 
Who greets a class of eager students for the first time
With a wide smile and knocking knees.
I feel your courage. 

To ALL the educators who work so hard for our students
Every day.
I feel your passion, your dedication, your hope and your exhaustion. 
I am with you.
I feel you. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this and the moments you’ve captured! Thank you for sharing!
