
Monday, May 14, 2018

It's Monday, What Are You Reading? May 14, 2018

Please visit the amazing blogs: Teach Mentor Texts and Unleashing Readers who host this terrific meme each week.
Not a lot this week, but I am hoping to have more reading time this week. 
Click on the covers to learn more about each book. 

Yes, it is as cute as it looks. Review tomorrow. 

Currently Reading

Up Next

What are you reading friends?


  1. I definitely enjoyed Granted and It's a Puppy's Life looks SO cute. I'll look forward to reading your full review when we get back from camping this weekend (leaving today). I'm also adding The Dollar Kids... might have to read that one WITH my kiddos as we've been looking at buying a cheap building and trying to fix all the issues so we can enjoy a ton of space (I have 5 kiddos and they want space to have ALL their friends over - lol). Have a wonderful reading week, Gigi!

  2. It's a Puppy's Life is such a mood booster. Loved that book.

  3. I am listening to the Mad Wolf's Daughter based on your recommendation - absolutely loving it. It is perfect for students looking for an action-packed adventure. Can't wait to read your review of It's a Puppy's Life

  4. It's the first time am seeing Dollar Kids - looks really interesting. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I've returned the hard copy of Granted and am waiting the audiobook. I had too many books out from the library (as usual)
