
Wednesday, April 18, 2018

A Bit of Crowd-Sourcing-Help with Research Gathering

Hello literacy friends, 
This post is a plea for collaboration. I am finishing up a certificate of advanced study (CAS) certificate in literacy in May. This is a 30-credit post-masters certificate. As a final assignment I need to do a capstone project that I am very excited about! I have been working hard to create a website that will be organized into literacy practices and topics and pertinent research and articles that apply to those practices. For example, one topic is "independent reading". Clicking that tab brings you to a page with a list of research/articles and resources about independent reading. 

I have gathered many research studies and articles already and I will continue to gather many more, but I want this to be a valuable resource for educators and I don't want to miss any important research. Here is where you come in my friends. 

If you have a piece of research or article (or more than one) that you particularly find valuable, and are willing to share, please leave the title, authors or link in the comments. 

Right now I am focusing on reading K-5. Here are some of the topics I have so far.
Balanced Literacy      
Independent Reading     
Text levels, structure, selection    
Reading Life     
Small group instruction     
Spelling/Word work     
Read aloud     
Phonological/phonemic awareness
Reading Responses      

As a small token of appreciation I will randomly select 5 people, who comment with a piece of research by May 1st, to receive a mystery book (picture book, middle grade or YA) from me.  

I hope this project will benefit many teachers and I look forward to sharing it. Thank you for your help! 

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