
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Blogiversary Celebration and Giveaway!

Five years ago today, I launched this little blog of mine with this post about my journey as someone who had difficulty learning how to read and how I came up with the blog name. 

I remember sitting in front of my computer, ready to hit "post" feeling nervous and seriously doubting that anyone would ever want to read anything I had to say. It turned out to be one of the best professional decisions I have ever made. Because I started this blog, I have been able to collaborate with talented educators, meet some of my teacher and author idols, and form true and lasting friendships. I have grown exponentially as a teacher because of these relationships. 

It still genuinely amazes and humbles me when someone mentions something I have written or talks about a book they have seen posted here. 

Each year, I like to give back to readers. This year I though it would be fitting to give away 5 books to one reader. 

I want these books to go to someone who visits and reads this blog so simply leave any kind of comment on this post and I will enter everyone in a "hat" and TJ will randomly choose one winner on August 26 (my birthday).  

Thanks for reading!

**Edited August 27
TJ chose the winner!
Congratulations Susan K!


  1. I am so glad you decided to hit "post" five years ago and continue to do so. I love reading your blog, Gigi! Congratulations on five years!

  2. How would I ever know what are the best, newest books for read aloud without you!?!?! You're the best! My only regret - we didn't teach more years together!!! Happy Early Birthday!!

  3. Blogging isn't for everyone, but it definitely has its rewards! Congratulations on five years!

  4. Congratulations! I'm happy you started your blog, and I look forward to more reading in the future! Jennifer

  5. I love your blog! My Goodreads to-read list has become quite large because of it. :) Thank you!

  6. Congratulations!

    My daughter's birthday is on Saturday too.

    A great opportunity thank you.

  7. Congratulations on your blogiversary. We've been blogging about the same amount of time. I love this community and how it has enriched my life in so many ways. Thanks for such a generous give away!

  8. Happy Birthday to your beautiful blog! Thanks for the chance to win these books!

  9. Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the chance to win some awesome books!

  10. Congratulations on all of the wonderful work you have done.

  11. Congrats on 5 years Gigi!! Amazing!

  12. Congratulations and happy early birthday too! I love that we get the presents. I'm so happy to have found your blog and enjoy reading your posts (purple is my favorite color). My husband's birthday is the 24th so we'll be celebrating here too.

  13. Congrats and Happy Birthday! Just read your initial posts. Very inspiring.
